This page is probably best used for
reference - like if you are Prince Charming, aiming to sweep my off my
feet... Just be careful that you don't miss and trip me...
If you combine this page, and my journal, you should have
more than sufficient information to make me believe in love :)
I won't bore you with
the traditional internet descriptions of how incredibly amazing I look,
or how limber and flexible I am, or even that I'm great in bed.
No. Just because I'm using the internet to assist me in my
globalization-domination does not make me Super Slut or the Amazing
Hoe. I refuse to degrade myself to the level of
cyber-whores and website-porn stars. If that is what you are
for, I know some great chat
rooms... Just kidding :)
Addie Inc. is not a real company. No
business license, no money... just ideas. Just taking up space on
the world-wide-web. That's all. So not talking in the first
person, I think, just sounds cooler on the internet. This is why
I do not type in the first person on most of my webpages. Saying
and "me" just sounds kind of dumb... Pronouns such as these
should be reserved for personal profile webpages and online journals.
Speaking of
online journals, I have two:
Addie's MySpace Journal
Talk to Addie via AIM:
My Ticket Stubs!
Tickets I have from past, and for future, shows.
All shows are in the VA/DC area, unless otherwise noted.
Blink 182/No Doubt
Nissan Pavilion
11, 2004 |
9:30 Club
November 1,
Taking Back Sunday
9:30 Club
23, 2004 |
Patriot Center
December 4,
Butch Walker/American Hi-Fi
9:30 Club
5, 2004
Take Action Tour/Sugarcult
9:30 Club
February 2,
Bowling For Soup
9:30 Club
16, 2005
9:30 Club
February 20,
9:30 Club
2, 2005 |
Epitaph Tour/Matchbook Romance
9:30 Club
March 3, 2005
New Found Glory
9:30 Club
23, 2005
Copeland/Acceptance |
9:30 Club
March 29, 2005
Drive-Thru/Fueled By Ramen Tour/Less Than Jake
9:30 Club
4, 2005
Virginia Coalition/Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers
9:30 Club
April 9, 2005
(guest pass)
9:30 Club
28, 2005
Fueled By Ramen Tour/Fall Out Boy
9:30 Club
April 29, 2005
Flipside Festival*
Run Events Center
1, 2005 |
All-American Rejects
9:30 Club
May 4, 2005
Butch Walker/Low Millions
Black Cat
9, 2005
*due to personal issues, I bought a ticket to this
show but was unable to go. But I still have the ticket stub...
it's just attached to the rest of the ticket still!
Here is a record
label that is awesome, and it plays a few songs
from different artists on the website - The Militia Group. and are great places to find
music, both popular and basement bands.
A little more about
me... has a lot
of my favorite musical artists/bands, movies, and that sort of
thing. I would suggest looking at that as well...
Goin to
Community College part-time
Working part-time
Goin to shows part-time
Drink? Whenever the
opportunity presents itself ;)
Raised Catholic
I like...
tulips and
daffodils and
daisys; the color red; unicorn stuff; Star
Wars; Elvis; Motion City Soundtrack; Motley Crue; Indiana Jones; the
Original Star Trek series and movies with Captain Kirk; the old
Twilight Zone with Rod Serling; celebrating for any reason; hanging out with
people, or at least one other person; dressing up from time to time,
although my baggy Vans pants are super comfortable; music; reading;
around places; rearranging my room (and, on occasion, my life);
swimming; theme parks; Adult Swim on Cartoon Network; the city; the
woods; legit articles
on sex; good
hugs (the only
good hug is a nice long squeezey hug); first kisses; Freddy Krouger;
Bacardi O3 and Mike's Hard Lemonade; liquor; I love apple juice.
I hate...
alone (literally sleeping
myself); TV; math; too much routine (although some is really good); any
musical "artist" that comes out of the Disney Channel; most famous
chicks (not all, but many); girl power - in any form, from Avril
Lavigne's 'I'm a girl and I'm better than you!', to Hilary Duff's "I'm
a stereotypical preppy dork that old men like to jerk off to, but, hey,
underage sex sells!"; porn; regular shit-tasting beer (guy drinks -
Michelob, Millers, Budweiser, ect.); chocolate with nuts; Texas
Chainsaw Massacre (the newer one); pills.
What I own:
ferrets; acoustic/electric,
electric, and bass guitars; piano;
keyboard; my sister keeps her drumset at the house because she never
plays it; car; a standup cardboard setup of Darth Maul; a little R2-D2
droid that talks to me; bandanas to bring back the 80's; the Monkees'
movie "Head"; Monkee Mike Nesmith's book "The Long Sandy Hair of
Neftoon Zamora"; I still have my NJROTC uniform from High School; my
own set of dishes.
My Stats (just an overview, PERVERTS!):
Birthday: March
29, 1986
Height: 5'8
Weight: approx. 133lbs
Body Fat: approx. 13%
Eye Color: blue-ish...
Hair Color: dyed red; natural blonde-ish
Skin: fair
Piercings: bellybutton, nose, and 3 pairs of earrings;
I want my other
nostril pierced.
Tattoos: my left shoulder, a blue/purple unicorn
head and neck; a
black line on the left side of my stomach :) I want to cover it
with a leafy vine, with a flower for each major emotional event in my
life - to remind me that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger
:) Heal pain with pain.
When I get
my own place, I want to
buy a golden lab... and name him:
'Puppy' :)
Dreaming of living on the West Coast... or just any bustling city for a
Turning Addie Inc. and The Scene
into the biggest, and best, music empire.
Some Faves:
Songs: "Sloop John
B", by The Beach Boys; "It's Over",by Mest;
"See You Later, See You Soon", by Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers;
anything by Elvis; "Fever For the Flava", by Hot Action Cop; "Julia" by
Low Millions
Snacks: popcorn with
M&M's; my Midnight Snack: a piece
of bread, slap on some peanut butter, and drizzle on some chocolate
Food: double cheeseburger
from McDonald's; spaghetti; hot dogs;
Stroganoff with chicken
Drink: apple juice!
With water and Bacardi O3 tied for second.
Car: anything fast and
Lyrics: "I'll just hide
out under there; I just made you say
underwear!", Pinch Me by the
Barenaked Ladies; "No one understands me like the whiskey on my
breath", See You Later, See You Soon
by Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers
Articles of Clothing: my
blue Element hoodie with my music
buttons, and my baggy Vans pants.
Fave Songs I Can Play:
"Ruby Soho" by Rancid, "Online Songs" by
Blink 182, "Little Things" by Good Charlotte (bass); "Tears in Heaven"
by Eric Clapton, "Shut Up" by Blink 182, "Girl All the Bad Guys Want"
by Bowling for Soup (guitar); "Another Day" by Mest (drums);
"Greensleeves", "Singin' in the Rain", "Jeopardy"
and "Three Coins in the Fountain" on piano.
I like to
collect bricks from places I've been, or visit often. Right now I
only have 4: McDonald's on Liberia Ave., Old Town Manassas,
Ballston sidewalk, and one from down the street from the 9:30
Club. I think I lost the one from McDonald's, so I
guess I only have 3 now. I wouldn't mind having a brick from
someplace I haven't been... So yeah, if you see a stray brick on
the side of the road, pick it up and drop me a line - I'd be glad to
take it!
My views on
controversial subjects:
I believe in the woman's right to choose, although I would never get an
abortion. I believe that if the woman wants to have an abortion,
that's her choice, and it's her fault and punishment if she can't live
with it afterwards. If she doesn't have too much of a problem
with it afterwards, then she made the right choice for herself.
1. There is no point in giving birth to a child who will only end
up a criminal, hobo, or otherwise usless or a hindrance to society.
2. If the child is going to be born with an addiction or disease,
and has little chance to live as it is, it should be the woman's choice
to try to save the child, or to try and save the child from a life
harder than it deserves.

Brixley and Cameil,
the National Rifle
Association says that, "Guns don't
kill people, people do,” but I think the gun helps, you know? I think
it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not
going to kill too many people, is it?" - Eddy
Although I believe in the NRA's
quote "Guns don't kill people, people
do,", I think Eddy Izzard makes a good point. It is the
combination of people and weapons that kill. However, I do not
believe that people who know how to safely, and properly, store and use
guns, should be punished for the idiots that leave their guns in places
where children can find them. A gun is a dangerous weapon, not a
child-proof bottle of pills. BOTH, actually, should stay out of a
child's reach. BOTH should stay out of a teenager's reach, if
they don't have the proper training. So my solution? Keep
your guns with your pills! That way, when you take your
crazy-pills, you have the gun, and you can't blame it on anyone but
yourself when you go on a shooting-frenzy. And if your kids get
the pills and the gun together? That must mean you didn't teach
your kids about both properly, and you didn't secure both items safely
enough. Parents should take more responsiblity for their
children's behavior, especially since death is unavoidable in TV,
movies, and music. Children need to be taught the value of life,
and the reality of death. It is the parent's job to react and
adapt to what the society feeds your child, instead of just letting it
I think that natural drugs
should be legalized and taxed the crap out of. By natural, I mean
anything grown from God's green earth. If you have to mix it with
something synthetic, or unnaturally derived from something natural,
that doesn't count. My opinion is, that if you have to remove the
drug-substance in any way, shape or form, in order to produce the drug
you wish to take, that drug should not be legal. If all it is is
just growing, grinding or something simple like that (ie, weed, or coca
leaves), then I think it
should be legalized and taxed - treated like either tobacco and/or
alcohol I think is the best solution.
For example: Coca leaves grown in South America were chewed on by
royal and religious people of importance. They grew the plant,
and chewed it. That's all. Then came the coca-paste -
soaking and mashing the leaves in a mix of water and dilute sulphuric
acid, extracting the drug, which is between 60-80% pure.
This is where I believe that this drug should be stopped: Mixing
the coca-plant's extraction with sulphuric acid.
Example No.2: Weed is grown, but is not processed - grow it and
smoke it, pretty much. Legalize and tax!
Think of it this way: The money that could be made off of taxing
weed could help make better schools... and whatever else voters want, I
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