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"Precision bandsaw & coldsaw metal cutting"
Raco Cutting, Inc. has been dedicated since October, 1983 to production custom bandsaw and coldsaw cutting of various metal and alloy materials for industrial applications.  Our mission is to supply superior quality work with expedient turn around.
*Located in Moraine, OH, a suburb of Dayton, OH and less than 5 minutes from interstate access.

*Currently operating 2 plants with 6 employees.

*We are a custom shop with no published price lists. Each job will be gladly quoted by our sales staff on an individual basis.
Cutting Equipment
Automatic Band Saws : 2 Saws With 16" Capacity, 3 Saws With 10" Capacity
Automatic Cold Saws : 1 Saw With 6.3" Capacity, 1 Saw With 3" Capacity
Manual Cold Saws : 2 Saws With 4-7/8" Capacity
Vertical Band Saw : 1 Saw With 13" High By 20" Throat Capacity
Deburring Equipment
Belt Sanders, Wire Brush, Burr Knives, Etc.
Quality Control Equipment
Statistical Process Control ( Upon Request ), 6" & 12" Dial Verniers, 24" Digital Verniers, 60" Verniers,  Dial Indicators, Micrometers And Squares
*We have extensive experience cutting aluminum, alloy steels, brass, bronze, cast iron, copper, inconel 625 & 718, magnesium, mild steels, stainless steel series 300 & 400, titanium, etc.
*We have cut the following shapes: flat, round, square, tube, extruded and structural.
*Our standard cutting tolerance is +.030", - .000" and we can provide cutting as close as +.010", - .000"
*Coldsawing aluminum we have achieved a surface finish as fine as 12 Micro Finish.
Raco Cutting, Inc.
2230 East River Road
Dayton, OH  45439-1526
Ph: 937-293-1228
Fx: 937-293-1228
"Let us show you how we can save you money"
Send Inquiry
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