This is Mohammad Shawqi Hamdan, and consequently this is my homepage, Its still new and under heavy and continuous construction, so .. .. .. |
Make the time to save your name e-mail address and your url, and you'll win a song of your choice from my songs menu. |
My first page, they were giving me 5 megs and it was free, but the host wizards are renewing their site these days, and forgot the file manager log in link. I still get to keep the e-mail address though. Anyway I had to shift to Geocities.com |
My songs collection, you may find some of these songs in other sites, but ain't these songs popular already?, PS: Its growing fast.
Under construction, meanwhile visit us in DALnet mIRC chat room #daraweesh. |
My resume! |
Lets talk about ... |
Here you can find some useful links about Palestine. Still Under construction |
|Guest book|
|First page| |
|My resume|
|Palestine links|