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Friend's Work 

Howard's Engine

Howard, a co-worker, designed and made his own castings for this engine. He used the aluminum from old Briggs & Stratton engines to melt down for his pours. All his machining was done using a lathe and drill press. He has given me the castings so I can make one of his engines and another engine to photograph closer for this site. Thank you Howard.
Updated: 4/14/00
Upshur Model Farm Engine from Modeltec
Click on picture to enlarge.

Below is the progress on building one of Howard's casting kits. When done it will be painted Ford blue with gray trim. The valve linkage was all that needed to be made when these pictures were taken. I sandblasted an aluminum block for the base of the engine and milled mortar joints to simulate blocks.

Howard made this electric engine using a solenoid from an oil furnace. The points and flywheel were taken out of a VCR. He uses an H.O. scale train transformer to power the engine which makes it nice for varying the speed of the engine. See what a creative mind can do with parts from old household appliances. Click on pictures to get a larger view of this engine.

This engine of Howard's was made from parts of an old cloths washing machine. The valve linkage is a little different then the normal linkage. Click on picture to enlarge.