by Witness Lee
I was a young man, I did everything quickly. I spoke quickly, and I walked
quickly. When you are a quick person it is much easier for you to lose
your temper. When I wanted to do something quickly and another person was
going slowly, I became irritated. Then I got saved when I was nineteen.
My sister returned home from a seminary where she was studying. She loved
the Lord and wanted to go on with the Lord. She told me that she saw many
"spiritual" Christians in her seminary. She related to me that these Christians
did everything slowly. They walked slowly, they opened up the Bible slowly,
and they talked slowly. After hearing that testimony, I desired to be a
slow person, and I began to hate my quickness. Then I began to imitate
the persons who were so slow. I tried to pick up my Bible slowly, walk
slowly, and even read the Bible slowly. But eventually my quickness came
out again. I found out that I was not a slow person. For me to try to be
a slow person was like a monkey trying to imitate a man. Eventually, the
monkey will return back to being a monkey.
Then I was
taught by many Christian teachers that I should be patient, humble, and
kind. I was taught that I should be very virtuous. Eventually, I discovered
that I could not love, I could not be humble, nor could I be patient, kind,
holy, or righteous. I became very disappointed and struggled for a long
time. One day I saw that man can never be holy. Only God can be holy. I
saw that what God wanted was to enter into me to be my contents, to be
my holiness, to be my "gold." When I saw and realized this I became greatly
excited. I wanted to tell everyone that I had God in me, that God was my
contents. God is my life, my holiness, my love, my slowness, and my everything.
I am a vessel, a container, to contain God and to be filled with God.
In the garden
of Eden there were two trees-the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil (Gen. 2:9). Evil always goes with good. Hatred goes with
love. Pride goes with humility. This is not what God wants. God wants life.
God does not want you to be a good man; God wants you to be a God-man.
A God-man is an expression of God. You may be a "good man," but you can
never be an expression of God if you are merely a good man. God made man
in His own image for the purpose of expressing God. When we become a God-man
who is filled with God, we express God.
Such a God-man,
expressing God, is God's representative. He represents God and he has God's
authority over all things. God created man in His own image to express
Him, and God gave His dominion to man that man may reign for Him (Gen.
1:26). It is not a good man but a God-man who expresses God and represents
God. God's image is for us to express God, and God's dominion is for us
to represent God. We have God Himself in our spirit, and we can be filled
with God and full of God to express Him and represent Him as a God-man.
This is the dispensing of God Himself into us according to the divine economy. |
God created man in His image with a spirit to contain Him, God put this
man in front of the tree of life and charged him to be careful not to eat
the wrong tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:16-17).
God wanted man to eat of the tree of life. In the Gospel of John we see
that the Lord is the vine tree (15:1) and that He is the life (14:6). When
we put these two matters together, we see that Jesus is the tree of life.
He is the tree and He is the life, so He is the tree of life. We have to
receive Him by our spirit, and we can receive Him by eating Him and drinking
Him. He told us that He is the bread of life for us to eat. By eating Him
we can live because of Him (6:57). Also, He is the living water for us
to drink (4:14; 7:37-38).
What is it
to eat Jesus and to drink of Jesus? This is God's dispensing of Himself
into our being. God created man in His own image with a spirit that man
might receive Him. At the time of creation, man did not have God within
him. Man was just an empty container. Adam was empty without God in him,
so God put him in front of the tree of life. Adam was an empty container
made to contain God as life. He needed to receive God into him that God
would be his life, his life supply, and his contents. In the same way God
needs to be our contents, our life, and our life
supply. We
should not receive the wrong tree. The Lord warned Adam that if he would
eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he would surely die.
We need to receive the right item into us, and the right thing for us to
receive is the tree of life. The tree of life indicates that God wants
to be our life. We have to receive Him by eating Him. If we eat of Christ
as the tree of life, we are receiving Him into our being to be our life
supply, and we are no longer empty. God will be our contents.
Genesis 1
and 2 give us a picture in God's creation, showing us the divine economy.
Even in God's creation there is a picture of God's desire to dispense Himself
into His created man. God wants to dispense Himself into us to make us
God-men not good men. A Christian is not merely a good man but a God-man.
We were made in God's image with a spirit to receive God into us as our
life, our life supply, and as our everything to be our very content for
us to be God-men. |
"The Divine Economy, Part 2: God's Creation (1)."
"The Stream," 16.3 (1996):22-24.
1996 Living Stream Ministry