Located just south of Oklahoma, where the Pease River runs into the Red River

James & Cheryl Brock, Jeanna, Cary Joe and Adrienne Carrington, and John Russell. I'm working on a photo album to display old family photographs. (The page takes a really long time to load, so if you're in a hurry, add it to your favorites to look at it later!) The photo album is still under construction,and still needs names added to most photos, but feel free to browse...maybe you'll find some distant relatives!! Since going online less than eleven months again, we've found an aunt and three cousins (and their children)who where totally unknown before! What a joy to go looking for records of dead relatives and find live ones--good luck! I'm also adding a new page with all the photos from our "getting acquainted" visit from our new cousin, Camille.
This is at our farm in Odell, TX. See the rainbow?
This is my son John on the right, and his friend Jesse on the left.
We are the Brock family. We raise a few Limousin cattle, and grow cotton, wheat, and alfalfa hay. James is also a college football official, presently working on the North Texas crew with the Lone Star Conference. He also volunteers for our county's civil defense unit. We homeschool four children, ages 8, 10, 13, and 16. I've been working on some websites for others. One is for Hobratschk Farms, and the other is for Rolling Plains Implement Company Incorporated. The website for Hobratschk Farms isn't finished yet, as I'm waiting on the rest of the information. Soon you'll be able to tell who the parents of each horse are, and a little history about each one. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Favorite Links

North Texas Crew's 1997 Lonestar Conference Football Schedule
Brock Web Creations
Homeschool Links
Kansas City Board of Trade
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Farm Journal Magazine
John's Page
Adrienne's Page
Cary Joe's Page
Jeanna's Page
Old Family Photographs
Texas Information.
American Quarter Horse Association
American Paint Horse Association
The Baptist Standard
Tucows (Shareware & Freeware)
Texas Monthly Magazine
PC Computing
Billy Graham Evangelical Association
American Civil Defense Association

You can reach us by e-mail at:

since May 31, 1997
Last updated February 18, 1998
Brock Web Creations

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