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Browse the following QUICK list to see if any titles interest you. Click on it and go directly to that section, or click on our SEARCH engine below for a FAST link to whatever your searching for.
Barbie :
Barbie Doll & her MOD, MOD, MOD World of Fashion
By Joe Blitman
Barbie has always been a popular doll ever since her entrance in 1959. There are a lot of books out there on Barbie that deal with the first ones. This book is for the Barbie collector who collects the "Modern" Barbie from the late 60s thru the middle 70s. This era is commonly called "The eyelash era" by many Barbie collectors today.
A terrific identification and value guide. Packed with beautifully illustrated color pictures.
NOW ONLY $26.95! Hobby House Press, Hard Cover 224 pages
Click here to order Barbie Doll & her MOD, MOD, MOD World of Fashion
Barbie :
Francie & Her Mod, Mod, Mod, Mod World of Fashions
By Joe Blitman
Another book by this popular author on Barbies. This book deals with Barbie's friend Francie, who is considered by some to be the most beautiful of all Barbies.
Everything you'll want to know about Francie and her world of fashion is right here.
NOW ONLY $19.95! Hobby House Press, Paperback 160 pages
Click here to order Francie & Her Mod, Mod, Mod, Mod World of Fashions
Blue Book:
Blue Book of Dolls & Values (13th Ed)
By Jan Foulke
This is Jan's 13th Edition to her popular series of Doll Value books. She is well known among collectors and dealers in the doll world. Her books are always on the Best Seller's List and have in themselves become a collectible.
Hot off the press and all NEW PRICES!
NOW ONLY $17.95! Hobby House Press, 13th Edition, Paperback 320 pages
Click here to order Blue Book of Dolls & Values 13th Edition
Chatty Cathy:
Chatty Cathy dolls an identification and value guide
By Kathy & Don Lewis
If you collect, buy, or sell, this is the book for you! LOTS of color pictures and important information from cover to cover about one of the 1960's best selling and most loved dolls, Chatty Cathy. There is also important information covered about the whole family of Chatty Cathy dolls and the accessories to go with them.
A must have, best seller among collectors!.
Now only 12.76! Collector Books Paperback, 142 pages
Click here to order Chatty Cathy dolls
Crissy And Friends:
Crissy And Friends
By Beth C. Gunther
This is a LONG OVERDUE and anxiously awaited book about the Ideal doll Crissy and her friends. Beth Gunther does a marvelous job accounting for and photographing the many variations and styles of the dolls and their accessories. YOU DON'T want to miss grabbing your copy right now, right here!
A must have, sure to be a BEST SELLER among collectors!.
Lists for $24.95. NOW ONLY $17.46! Antique Trader, Paperback, 160 pages
Click here to order Crissy And Friends!
Dawn and her world:an identification and price guide
By Joedi Johnson
Popular in the early 1970s was Dawn. She was a small fashion doll, with lots of friends, which was a hugh success. There is so much to collect when it comes to Dawn. Find out just how much.
USED & COLLECTOR PRICES! Cattpigg Press Paperback, 78 pages
Click here to order Dawn and her world:an identification and price guide.
Composition & Wood Dolls and Toys:A Collector's Reference Guide
Composition & Wood Dolls and Toys:A Collector's Reference Guide
By Michele Karl
Packed full of useful information including history and background information on the items and the company's that produced them, as well as a useful price guide! A Must Have For Your Collection! If you like Dolls or Toys, Disney to Madame Alexander, you'll love this book!
A very much needed book on these type of collectible dolls.
NOW ONLY $29.95 OR LESS! Antique Trader paperback 240 pages
Composition & Wood Dolls and Toys:A Collector's Reference Guide
Modern Doll :
Modern Doll Rarities
By Carla Marie Cross
For the collector who wants the best and most wanted, this book compiles just that. From the hardest to find to the almost never heard of, this book will show you just what all the fuss is about. Very interesting reading.
Great pictures and detailed descriptions of some of the more rare varieties of modern collectible dolls and accessories. Pictures range from Barbie and Chatty Cathy to Cabbage Patch and Trolls.
Lists for $24.96 or LESS!NOW ONLY $19.96! Antique Trader, Paperback 208 pages
Click here to order Modern Doll Rarities
Sensational '60s :
Sensational '60s : Doll Album, Price Guide
By Glen Mandeville
Glen Mandeville is no stranger to the doll world. He has written books upon books on doll collecting which include numerous price guides, as well as, identification resources.
Pick up a copy today for a change of pace, and you may be pleasantly surprised!
NOW ONLY $24.99 or LESS! Hobby House, Paperback 112 pages
Click here to order Sensational '60s : Doll Album, Price Guide
Vogue Dolls :
Collector's Encyclopedia of Vogue Dolls : Identification and Values
By Judith Izen, Carol Stover
Vogue Dolls have always been popular to collect, and this book shows you why. From two well established authors of books on dolls, comes an updated value guide that helps collectors and dealers know just what to look for when purchasing or selling.
NOW ONLY $20.96! Collector Books, Hardcover 256 pages
Click here to order Collector's Encyclopedia of Vogue Dolls : Identification and Values
Winnie the Pooh :
Winnie the Pooh Id and Value Guide Vol 2
By Carol Smith
This is Carols second edition to her book on Pooh. If you collect this fuzzy, popular bear, then this is definitly a book you will cherish almost as much as the bear himself!! Packed with pictures and lots of information about the first to the latest of the Pooh we all know and love.
NOW ONLY $14.96 or LESS! Hobby House, Paperback 120 pages
Click here to order Winnie the Pooh Id and Value Guide Vol 2
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