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UM Logo B.S., '86
MSU Logo M.S., '88

Robert Jaksa

Robert P. Jaksa

Valley Ranch

Irving, TX 75063

972-509-5599, ext 2245

Text Button Here is my resume in Microsoft Word RTF and ASCII plain text formats.

I am 50% Croat (from my father). In May 2004, I visited the "homeland."

Career Marathons

Marathon Date Time*
Cowtown Marathon February 28, 2009 3:32:17
Dallas White Rock Marathon December 14, 2008 4:26:36
Dallas White Rock Marathon December 15, 2002 3:30:32
22nd Beijing International Marathon October 20, 2002 3:44:37
25th Maraton Popular de Madrid April 28, 2002 4:17:03
Dallas White Rock Marathon December 9, 2001 3:32:01
(*) All times listed are based on actual (i.e. chip) time.

Here is a list of some other international places (plus Hawaii) that I have visited.