Global Solutions
 BP 3876
F-54029 NANCY Cedex
Tél. +33 (0)383.57.19.19
Fax +33(0)383.53.16.44 

The Foreword - The Team - The Partners - The Menu
  You are visitor Nb  since the 18th of November

The Foreword 


The Performance Team 
General Manager Philippe FOSSEUX
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Export Manager Igor FOSSEUX
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Bilingual Assistant Bettina BOUGEROL
French, English
Trilingual Assistant  Raïssa MAROLDT
 French, English, German

The Partners 

Gauthier Tissus From Corporate Identity to Cleanroom, the Pontella...
Lauffenmühle More than just Workwear...
Mermet The iron-free professional shirting...
Hero Textil German quality for knitted armcuffs...

The Menu 

Static Electricity How to protect people and production from it
Cleanroom What should you wear in a cleanroom

Site under Construction....

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