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Industry Hills REACT
San Gabriel Valley
Emergency Communications Resource Team
3133 San Leon Dr.
El Monte, Ca. 91732-3031

Voice #: (626) 452-1346
Fax #: (508) 448-6011

Business: WPKM226,  Amateur: KF6NZH

Proudly Serving the San Gabriel Valley since 1995

The next regular scheduled team meeting will be held on Sunday, December 26, 1999 at 7:00pm. Please call the above number for location of meeting.

Sign our guestbookGo to Main page

Amateur operators, check out our KF6NZH web site hosted by QSL Net!
We are now listed on the California Non-profit Organizations, Hamrad, and QRZ web sites!

Industry Hills REACT wants to remind you:
911 Reminder

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