
The HI-FLO Jetter

The first automatic jetting race specifically developed for the UK.


The HI-FLO Jetter is a specialised piece of equipment from a popular type of Automatic Jetting Race (AJR) widely used in Australia and New Zealand.
The HI-FLO Jetter is a totally new concept in the control of various eco-parasites for the UK.

It should not be compared nor confused with showers or spray races.

The HI-FLO Jetter is a very quick and cost effective means of acieving fly control in sheep. It can also be used for lice control.

The HI-FLO Jetter is a low-maintenance machine, simple to operate and adaptable to all situations. It produces a high pressure, high volume wall of dip solution which is turned on by each individual sheep as it passes through the machine.


The HI-FLO Jetter with correct adjustment of the bars of jets (6 bars, 24 jets) will enable throughputs in excess of 500 sheep per hour with minimum effort to the operator and minimal stress to the sheep. To achieve this high throughput, the machine must be set up correctly and in a position where sheep run well (usually at the end of a god race).


SOLID COMPACT CONSTRUCTION : a trailor mounted unit with independent suspension and detachable drawbar. A metal grid floor prevents sheep from slipping.

SIMPLE TO OPERATE : few moving parts and rugged construction ensurestop performances for a long time.

HIGH OUTPUT : although sheep are in the machine for only a matter of seconds, the high pressure pump used in the system will still deliver up to 3 litres of the solution per animal.

SPECIALLY DESIGNED VALVE : for an instant maximum delivery of fluid to jets.

TWIN ANGLE JETS 6 rows of jets are positioned to provide optimum penetration and coverage, adjustable to give maximum accuracy.

MINIMAL CHEMICAL WASTAGE : the jets are activated automatically by the sheep as it passes through the two specially designed taperes panels and an integral drainage tray collects any excess solution.

ALSO AVAILABLE as a static Automatic Jetting Race withouth the drainage tray.

Blowflies & Parasites Cost £££'s

This jetting system has all the advantage to provide a fast, highly efficient and easy application of chemicals for ecto-parasite control in sheep.
Financially, the HI-FLO Jetter can treat sheep at a fraction of the cost of other methods. From an environmental point, the HI-FLO Jetter's minimum wastage, greatly reduces the large amount of used chemical solution that would normally need to be disposed of from a plunge dip.

For further details, please contact

E-mail Bob
Upper Stonehill House
SN16 9DX
tel: 01666 860308 or 0860 689391

NB. We reserve the right to make changes without notice to any product specification to improve reliability, function or design. E & OE.

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