Walt , Master woodworker at Heirlooms ,etc.
Give this man a scrollsaw, sander, hammer and nails and he's happy!
Walt contemplating life as he gazes out over the ocean.
Lands End, Maine.
Loie - Winter 2004
Loie displays one of her quilts
One donut to many
My online sisters , my friends
L to R - Me, Barbie (Moonsong in Maine)- Karen (Maine) Barb (SoBeIt In Mn.)
My online sister Barbara (SoBeIt)
My online sister Katherine ( KC in Ky)
My Baby, my PT Cruiser
Cory dressed up for Christmas in July Parade.!
Note the rainbow in the background
Artist at work
Finished Masterpiece
Feeding a hungry baby
Cory's turn to feed the baby
Still feeding a very hungry baby