Loie, Walt & Cory Welcome You..

Richmond, Maine

Decoys by Loie

"A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg even though she knows you are slightly cracked."

This site is graphic intense,
But well worth the wait.

Elegant Swan by Maine Artist; Lois Legendre


Click for Richmond, Maine Forecast

I'm Loie, my husband is Walt and between us we have five children,
ranging in age from 58 down to 14 years old.
The only child left at home is our 14 year old son, Cory.
All of our other children have married,
started families of their own
and are scattered across the U.S (Texas, Maine, Calif.).

Not only is Cory smart,he's entertaining. Always singing and dancing
his singing Idol is performer The One an Only Cher!!! In November of 2004 Cory went to his first ever concert CHER !!!!

We are coming to you from the small village of Richmond,Maine; pop. 3200

Cory age 14."
Richmond would be a perfect picture subject for
The Streets of our village are lined with numerous types of homes from the
stately Queen Anne style to the simple but elegant Shotgun type of house.
What is a shotgun house?
It's a house where all the doors downstairs line up.
In the old days they were described as "a house where you could stand in the front door,
shoot a shotgun thru and it would exit thru the backdoor."
Hence the name Shotgun house.

Walt and I have a small homebased business
where we make a variety of wood and hand painted items.
We had a lovely 24'x32' building put up 5 years ago
that now houses our Gift Shop, my Studio and Walt's Workshop,
We had been running our business from the house, for the past 17 years.
We do a lot of orders through mail and E-mail as well as regular customers and tourists.
Chances are we'll never get rich but
it is so nice to stay at home, work from home,
meet new people and just create! Our Victorian Santa Sleds
(see the ones on The Goodie Page.)
have been our Bestseller for about 6 years now.
In 1997 we started producing our handpainted Butterfly Houses
which have been booming out of our shop as fast as we can make them!
It seems our newest best seller is our handmade custom coatracks
If you have a special room that needs just the perfect touch this may be it.
Fabric covered coat racks can fit any decor , just let us know your needs.
Many's the night here lately that I've been painting
in the studio till the wee hours of the morning.
It's a good thing I enjoy my work!
For the past 16 years I have painted and designed for
a well known Maine Decoy Company.
Our Gift Shop is in our backyard which is located on Rt. 24
so we have high visibility to passers by.
It's great come winter time to just walk out the back door and be at work.
And in the Summer months when there's a lull it's nice to sit out amongst the Flowers
and just enjoy the many wonders of Mother Nature.
Also by working at home we can spend a lot of quality time with Cory

In December of 1999 we were the feature story in Country Woman Magazine. Editor Ann came and spent a few days with us and along with the photographer followed us through several days work creating and shipping our Decorative Victorian Santa Sleds. Ann tried her hand and made a wonderful sled to take home with her .

The Woodduck was a joy to paint and he is an outstanding 3-D carving
standing approx. 14" tall plus his base.
I will be placing pictures of our many one of a kind Birdhouses on soon.
Walt and I enjoy building the Butterfly Houses and hand painting each one
so each is different and is so exciting to see each one come to life.
The butterflys in the Spring and Summer are delightful and relaxing to watch
as they flutter in, out and about the garden.
Be sure to check back often.

UPDATE 02/2007 We've moved.

We've moved five blocks , Wow 20 years in our Water St. home meant lots and lots of "stuff" to move , what a chore!

We no longer have the shop and I have scaled down on my work schedule, yes we still have decoys and have started a couple of new products.

Embroidered Quilt Sqaures , Hand Painted Quilt Squares as well as warm and cozy rag quilts. Also I am doing those wonderful old Fashioned Flour Sack Embroidered Tea Towels, just like Grandma used to make.


Met Etta, she is mommy to 4 little squirrels. Etta loves to come sit on our laps (or head or whereever we have a peanut, and visit with us. Every moring we go out in the winter to make sure she has a handful of unsalted peanuts.My online sister Barb has a great time with Etta. Our big black cat "Mongo" loves to sit on the windowsill and look out at her. I can imagine what Mongo is thinking (wishing)

See my other pages as well as a few friends pages

Links below just slide your mouse over to see destination

Quilts and More

Meet Cory, My Son

Decoys, Sleds etc.

Paula's Backgrounds,

I Got You Babe - Cher

Visit My Shop

Family Pictures

Cowboy's Sweetheart

Play Free Games @ Pogo

Quiet Cool Quiet Sassy
Painter Of Light Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

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Guestbook by Lpage

Email Me

Updated: Feb 24, 2007