An Angelic Voice. Come and meet your guardian angel!
An Angelic Voice - Angel Readings.  These may be done free of charge for those in crisis and need angel guidance.><BR>

Who am I?

Hello, my name is Tereson and I would like to introduce myself. To give you one title of myself would be very limiting as I am many things to many people. I am mother to one beautiful little girl named Sarah, wife, friend, family educator, rape crisis counselor, vocalist, child of God and spiritual guider and intuitive.

In my inutitive work (I don't like the word psychic....too corney) I use the angels to guide me in finding the answers that people need. I also use my intuitive (knowing) and empathic (feeling) abilities in my guidance work. The reason that I use the angels as my main divination tool, is that they are the messengers of God. God and the angels want what is best for us in our lives and are here to help us get there. Since I have been given the gift of communicating with the angels as well as the gift of helping people, I have decided to combine these two wonderful gifts that I have been given to help people throughout the world (thank you internet).


The readings that I give are very complete and honest. When you request a reading from me, I meditate on it for a while, then I ask the angels for guidance in answering your question. The answers that the angels provide for me is what I will translate to you. I also combine your basic information from astrology and numerology to give you more of a complete understanding into your question or life situations. You will always be given further direction and guidance by myself given my crisis counselling and educational experience. If you are not a spiritual person, or wish to have a simple tarot reading done, I can do that as well.


The price that I ask for payment for my angel readings are strictly for my time and energy. I spend about 1 hour on each reading and if your question involves another person then a little longer. If you really can not afford the $20 and are in crisis, I will give you some free guidance but I cannot spend the whole time on your situation. I would love to do them all for free but......I have to eat :-)

The price that I charge for my readings is:
$20.00 for either single or couple readings

With this you receive an astrology chart and a numerology report just for ordering a reading. You will receive this in the mail about a week after your reading.

Ordering a Reading

To order a reading, fill out the Form and include all information.
You may pay by either:
  • SSL Secure Credit Card Server
  • Check
  • Money Order

    If paying by check or money order, I will do your reading on receipt of your check and you will also be sent the free charts.


    If you are not satisfied with your reading, if I was completely off or you just plain did not get anything out of it, I will do another reading for you free of charge or your credit card will not be charged.

    Thank You

    I thank you for visiting this site and I hope that I can help you in any way that I can. If you have any other questions for me, or if your browser does not support forms, you can E-Mail Me

    God Bless and may the angels guide and protect you.

    Angel Links

    Messages From The Angels