The Happy Wanderer

With a Detector and a Guitar

Philip L Crawford PO Box 454 St. Francis KS 67756

My Resume

New E-Mail address

Since I staked a claim here. Seems like I am always behind and needing an up date. I'm always gathering data and have some that isn't here.

Reminds me of a song my Grandmother taught me:

I am lookin' rather seedy now,
While holding down my claim;
And my vit'ls are not always server the best.
Now the mice play shyly round me
As I nestle down to rest,
In that Little Ole Sod Shanty in the West

Oh, the hinges are of leather,
and the windows have no glass,
And the board roof lets the howlin' blizzard in.
I can see the ole Grey Coyote
as he sneakes up through the grass.
Round my Little Ole Sod Shanty on my claim.

There seems to be a problem with the guest book. too much Spam so I mdeleating it

Contact me at:

My Life's Philosophy

Enjoy each day to the fullest, harm no-one, and don't worry about tomorrow. For tomorrow never comes for many.

This project has become much larger than I ever imagined. Information has come from many sources. Much of which I cannot ensure absolute accuracy, But is incorporated here as a point of reference only, for those of you who are not in my direct line.
I have received quite a bit more Info for the family tree project which I have put in my master files. To put it in the webpage I have to reload the whole page to keep the files in sync.(which I am working at). It will probably be after Christmas (which one I dont know). If you want to check on Info or make corrrections feel free to Email Me.


Crawford Family

New Information found by Donna Thompson E-mail Address:, in The D.A.R. files (From: "Sharon hawkins" To: "Phil Crawford" Subject: time Date: Friday, April 21, 2000 3:31 PM I have been corresponding with Donna Thompson, a relative related to us by a brother, Robert, of James H. She has done some recent extentive research into the D.A.R. records that list Benjamin Crawford. I thought Benjamin was almost too old to be the father of Robert if Ben was born in 1755 and Robert born in 1806 (that's 51 years). Donna found the following: Hi Sharon, Thought I'd pass on to you the latest information I've received on Benjamin Crawford. I think I mentioned before that I had written to the D.A.R. headquarters in Washington D.C., asking if I could get a copy of the application for the Benjamin Crawford decendent in their records. What I received back is a little surprising, but we still fit into this Crawford line. According to their records, the original Robert Crawford was not a son of Benjamin Crawford. Instead, he was a son of Nathaniel, who was a son of Benjamin, so that takes us back seven generations to Benjamin. I gather than Nathaniel was the oldest son of Benjamin, because they have him born within a year or so of Benjamin's marriage to Mary Anderson. I'll try to list several points referenced in the application: - Benjamin was a Soldier in the Revolutiion, serving under Colonel Samuel Miles of the Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment and in Captain Peter Grubbs, Jr.'s Company. In March 25, 1776, Benjamin Crawford was listed as a private. He was promoted to Sergeant July 24, 1776, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. - In 1781, Benjamin Crawford was taxed aas a single man in Nottingham Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania - Ben Crawford and his wife Tenney sold land in Washington County to Elee(?) Johns - Mango Creek, Nottingham Township on January 30, 1818. It was patented in the name of Ruth Hone March 12, 1788. It was conveyed to the surviving children of her first husband, one of these was Teeney Crawford. - Mary Anderson's pet name was "Teeney" since she was unusually small. - It is estimated that Benjamin was bornn about 1755, possibly in Dauphin (Lancaster) County, Pennsylvania and died after 1836. He married Mary Anderson about 1781. She was born after 1760 and died after 1818. No exact dates are known. - It is estimated that Nathaniel was borrn about 1782 in Washington County, Pennsylvania and died after 1810. He married Mrs. Mary (Kirkpatrick) McElhaney about 1802. She was born about 1780 in Ireland, and died after 1806. - Children of Nathaniel Crawford and Marry McElhaney were as follows: Robert, born Westmoreland County, PA 1803? and died December 23, 1879 -- married Elizabeth Hall, James, born Westmoreland County, PA 1805 -- married Jane Gardner, Ben, born in Washington County, PA February 29, 1806? -- married Patience, Abraham, born Clarion County, PA and died 1858 -- married Mary Gardner (I believe this lady had Robert and Ben mixed up as far as year of birth. I'm pretty sure that Robert was born in 1806 because both he and Elizabeth are listed in the 1850 Pennsylvania as 44 years of age. Robert's date of death matches what we have, so I'm sure we have a match.) The lady who submitted this application (and D.A.R. member), was a decendent of James Crawford (the 2nd son). Her name was Mrs. Eleanor Hazel Eicher Elste of Bellevue, Pgh 2, Pennsylvania. She listed her date of birth as 1888 so obviously she is deceased. I had also found out earlier that Benjamin Crawford was listed among those Pennsylvania farmers who were required to sign an Oath of Allegiance in 1794 as a result of the Whiskey Rebellion. This information was located on the internet. Well, I'd best go ... have lots to get done today, but did want to give you this latest information. Would appreciate it if you could share any additional information you find as well. Take care ... Donna Have a good day. Your sis. Sharon

Benjamin Crawford

- It is estimated that Benjamin was born about 1755, possibly in Dauphin (Lancaster) County, Pennsylvania and died after 1836. He married Mary Anderson about 1781. She was born after 1760 and died after 1818. No exact dates are known. Benjamin was a Soldier in the Revolution, serving under Colonel Samuel Miles of the Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment and in Captain Peter Grubbs, Jr.'s Company. In March 25, 1776, Benjamin Crawford was listed as a private. He was promoted to Sergeant July 24, 1776, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. - In 1781, Benjamin Crawford was taxed aas a single man in Nottingham Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania - Ben Crawford and his wife Tenney sold land in Washington County to Elee(?) Johns - Mango Creek, Nottingham Township on January 30, 1818. It was patented in the name of Ruth Hone March 12, 1788. It was conveyed to the surviving children of her first husband, one of these was Teeney Crawford. - Mary Anderson's pet name was "Teeney" since she was unusually small.

Nathaniel Crawford

It is estimated that Nathaniel was born about 1782 in Washington County, Pennsylvania and died after 1810. He married Mrs. Mary (Kirkpatrick) McElhaney about 1802. She was born about 1780 in Ireland, and died after 1806. - Children of Nathaniel Crawford and Marry McElhaney were as follows: Ben, born in Washington County, PA 1803 -- married Patience, James, born Westmoreland County, PA 1805 -- married Jane Gardner, Robert, born Westmoreland County, PA 1806 -- married Elizabeth Hall, Abraham, born Clarion County, PA -- married Mary Gardner

Robert Crawford b. Mar 11,1806 in PA. d Dec 21,1879 in Tama IA, wife Elizabeth Hall b. Jly 4, 1806 Washington Co. PA. d Nov 4,1891 in Taylor, IA.; had 11 children: Eliza Jane, Rebecca, Robert R.,Isabelle, Mary Ann, James Houston, John, Maria, William Chambers, Sanuel and Martha C.. Married abt. 1828 in PA... Robert and Elizabeth were members and Deacons in the Presbyterian Church, Apollo,PA They moved to Tama, IA (sometime after the youngest child was born in 1848. Eliza Jane was married in Tama IA. in 1857)

James Huston Crawford b. Oct 26, 1838 in PA. d Mar 31, 1924 in Glendale, Los Angles Co. CA, and wife Wilnetta Julia Coon b. Jan 10, 1848 Sharon, Mercer Co. PA. d. Jan 18, 1890 in Kirk, Yuma Co. CO.. Married Oct 24, 1867 in Tama, IA...Moved to York,NE area abt. 1871. ... They had 7 children: Ernest,Mary,Bertha,Robert,William,Scott,John,and James Carol... James H's Wife, Wilnetta Coon had a brother ( Stuart ) who owned land along the railroad near Charlton, NE. The town is no longer there. to Reach the cemetary where they were burried: exit Interstate 80 at the 348 marker. It is one and a half miles North and one West. Lived in Custer County, Nebraska,for a litle while, moved to Kirk, Yuma County, Colorado about 1884,latter went to California. He re-married in California,(no information available) after first wife died. Wilnetta refused to leave her brothers farm, early on, but James had a yen to move on.(Family story says he didn't like living on Brother-in-law's farm. After his death in CA, {Sons, Scott and James, went to CA and brought the body back to York, NE for Burial. This was told to me (Philip Lewis Crawford in 1980 while visiting them at Kirk CO. ) by Scott's son Clarence }.

Ernest Crawford b. Dec 18, 1868 in Toledo, Tama Co. IA.. d. Apr 12, 1946 near Ansley, Custer Co. NE., and wife Launa Belle Hyatt b. Apr 12, 1878 in Yutan, Sanders Co. NE...d.May 10, 1964 in Loup City, Sherman Co. NE.. Married Jan 10, 1900 in Ansley, Custer Co. NE....They had 5 children: Lewis, Edith, Florence, Wilnetta and Roy. ..While James was gone on his wanderings, his wife Wilnetta and son Ernest, age 9, farmed the land they lived on. The land belonged to G W. Coon, James' brother-in-law. The land was located 4 miles west of York along the old railroad between York and Henderson. There was a quarter south and an 80 north of the road. An old windmill still stands on the north side. About the age of 21yr Ernest moved with the family to Eastern Custer Co. NE. At about the age of 30 he purchased land along the Custer and Sherman co. line, where he raised his family.

Lewis Edwin Crawford b. Oct. 28, 1900 Ansley, Custer Co. NE d. Oct. 2, 1973 Grand Island, NE m. June 26, 1927 Ansley, NE and wife Florence May Fox b. May 26, 1909 Ansley NE d. Oct. 3, 1997 Beoken Bow, NE, spent his whole live in Eastern Custer Co. as farmer, share cropper and carpenter. Raising 5 boys and 2 girls: Andrew Peter Crawford, Victor Bruce Crawford, George Dean Crawford, Philip Lewis Crawford, James Elroy Crawford, Eunice Bethine Crawford and Sharon Kay Crawford.

I, Philip L Crawford b. Apr 13, 1934 Ansley, Custer Co. NE m. Jan 4, 1978, near Kirk, Yuma Co. Co, wife, Maxine Lavon Beechley b Nov 23,1937 Eckley, Yuma Co. CO.

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