La Bassinet de Baby Shower
" La Bassinet " de Baby Shower...
Welcomes You!
Here you will find a wonderful way
for the Individual Hostess or Group
to give a truely memorable baby Shower.
"La Bassinet" has everything needed to begin,
entertain, and help all guests to interact
on behalf of the "Mother To Be",
and her new arrival to come. Full of
wonderful gifts for Baby as well as all the
Stationery needed to have a fun time.
Truely, "La Bassinet" de Baby Shower,
is the perfect Shower ~Focus Point~ and Gift!,
that will be the talk of the town!
An elegant, fun, well planned Shower made easy as 1_2_3.
1. Order "La Bassinet" de Baby Shower...
2. Put together a refreshments table or luncheon...
3. Welcome your Guests...
and ~Ta Da~ there you have it!
Click each Thumbnail Image to see Larger Picture
" La Bassinet " de Baby Shower consists of the following:
~ The wonderful large woven White Bassinet with pad (by BurlingtonBasket Co. )
~ A beautiful (to the floor ) White Linen Eyelet Lace skirt and hood cover *washable
~ A sweet and ever so soft, Flannel Teddy Bear and Flannel Blankie for Baby,*washable,
and in its own zip cover
~ A Corsage for "Mother To Be", made from booties and pasey...CUTE as a button!
~ Invitation sheet to plan guest list
~ 18 Invitations with envelopes
~ Guests Registry Sheet
~ Gifts Recieved Log Sheet(for Mom)
~ Three Surprize game gifts for Baby
Ceramic picture frame
Baby's first year calendar
4 oz. Evenflow (3) bottle trio with nipples and covers
~ "Game Time" stationery, three sets with 18 sheets each
~ 18 game pencils, pre sharpened
~ 18 Thank You cards and envelopes,(for Mom)
~ A 3 page Hostess Check List and information / suggestions Pamplet
~ All stationery, Invitations, Thank You cards
and Wrapping Paper are centered on one designed theme.
With pastels of pink, blue and green,
surrounded with eyelet lace of white linen...
the blending of your personal touch will surely
give that sparkle for a memorable Baby Shower :)
***surprize gifts are subject to change***
with availability, but always
nice and useable gifts are chosen...
gifts come Wrapped with wired eyelet lace bows
"La Bassinet" ~ Group/Office Hostessing Page ...........
"La Bassinet" ~ As A Gift, Not as a Shower Package..
"La Bassinet" ~ Price & Order Information .................
You are Visitor #
~ We "Welcome", your comments and suggestions ~
"Remember to tell a friend about "La Bassinet de Baby Shower"
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