My name is Lyn. I am a costume historian by training and a frustrated fashion designer. I've decided that rather than trying to be the next Donna Karan, I would be much happier designing couture-style attire for fashion dolls. Designing for dolls has many advantages: no overhead, low startup costs, no cutthroat competition, and best of all, my clients can't complain! I hold a Master's Degree in Costume Studies and Decorative Arts from New York University. Though I have studied costume from many centuries and civilizations, my favorite styles are the designer fashions of the first half of the Twentieth Century. I have studied costume history at the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. In addition, I have held an internship at the Museum of Costume in Bath, England, and have lectured on contemporary fashion for the Popular Culture Association's 1994 annual conference. I am also an avid doll collector and fanatic Gene fan!
Please visit the following Gene or Gene-related sites for all of your fashion-doll needs.

Hatitudes Hatitudes features a breathtaking selection of handmade hats for Gene. A must for any Gene fan!
Classic Couture - Features clothing for 15" fashion dolls including Gene. Wonderful creations by two very talented ladies!
DAE Originals Absolutely mouth-watering couture creations for Gene. I command you to visit.
The Official Ashton Drake site A place to view and order the current selection of Gene dolls and outfits. While you're there, check out the new doll forum for Gene chat.
Thru Children's Eyes - a great place to order Gene dolls and fashions.

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What To Wear? is neither under license to nor affiliated in any way with Ashton Drake or Mel Odom.

Copyright © 1997 What To Wear?

Gene Copyright © 1997 Mel Odom, Ashton-Drake Lic.

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