
Ищу работу! Судовой электромеханик,
2 морской разряд, опыт: учебаВУЗ + работа в море = 9,5
лет. Последняя зарплата USD800. Дополнительно:
матрос 1 класс, электрик, моторист 1 класс.
Английский. 30 лет. taratin@snoopy.phys.spbu.ru /January
20, 1998.

I would like to offer of my experienced English-Russian
translation service for your company. I am experienced technical
expert and translator of any technical literature (written translations,
high quality, computer layout page). A. Alexeyev. alean@online.ru
/September 8, 1997.

Ищу работу на ПК в офисе. Опыт работы
3года. Win95,Word,Excel, E-mail.
Слепой метод печати (200зн\мин). Оклад от 200$ CША.
тел: (812) 153-59-56 Галина. ppetalon@mail.admiral.ru
/September 4, 1997.

Я живу в Кургане и ищу работу,
связаннную с сетью Internet.
Холодилин Валерий. holod@zaural.ru /August
27, 1997.

Программист с большим опытом
разработок ПО на СУБД Foxpro рассмотрит
Осваиваю PowerBuilder 5.0. Имею доступ в Internet.
Моя почта по адресу shul@cnet.rosugol.ru
Шуленин Александр. /July 14, 1997.

SoftLink Solutions Ltd. is a provider of Software Contract Consulting
services in North America by means of telecommuting. You may live in any part of the
World, but if your qualifications and experience match our client's requirements we will
get you a contract and you can work from your home. Currently we are looking for Software
developers with the following skills: C/C++, Visual C++, Visual Basic, COBOL, Java, JDBC,
RDBMS (ORACLE, SYBASE, Informix, SQL), UNIX, Windows NT, Windows 95.
If you have any of the above skills and wish to be considered for one of
the available contracts, please send your resume attention to: Bill Turner, SoftLink
Solutions Ltd. via e-mail softlink@globalserve.net
or by fax at (604) 688-5160. NOTE: please send ASCII or MS Word files only. /May
26, 1997.

I'll be grateful to the employer who will trust me and offer a part-time
work in Khabarovsk or season work somewhere in English-or French-speaking country. I have
University degree, I am 36, diligent. Can operate with PC (w-95, microsoft-programs,
internet), have good capabilities to translate orally and on paper. In a meantime I work
in the Far East Office of Federal Aviation Administration of Russia, this occupation
brings me much joy, but the salary is not sufficient for happy life. I can also collect
oranges, but it is not the occupation I would like to have. Thank you for reading my ad!
Elena. E-mail: shelest@online.fareast.ru
. /May 22, 1997.

Myra Group, the fastest growing referral executive American firm has
over 3000 employment opportunities in Computer & Engineering Professional.
Opportunities available: Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Data
Processing, Software, Engineering, Telecom & Data Communications with an outstanding
compensation and benefits package, including relocation and immigration in US. To apply,
please forward your detailed resume with a covering letter, including a money order of $90
USD for processing to: Myra Group, 115 Bellarmine, Rochester Hills, MI, 48309, USA. No
phone calls please. /May 20, 1997.

If you're looking for resources to help promote your business very
effectively on the internet or if you're interested in starting new business that you can
market on the internet from home, I'd like to invite you to visit http://www.regulus.net/top . I've sifted
through a lot of marketing resources and opportunities and this site contains only the
very best of what I've found . /May 19, 1997.

Мне 33 г. Ищу работу связанную с
компьютером и электроникой. Инженер-электронщик,
разработка и конструирование РЭА. Имею опыт
работы. Переводы с англ. на рус. Серьезные
Макс. Сосновый Бор, Russia, max@sbor.spb.su
/ May 12, 1997

UP SIZING!! Good Health!! Money!! Booming!! If these do not interest you,
DON'T VISIT our WEB SITE. http://www.execulink.com/~rs/enrich/
R&S <rs@execulink.com>
London, ON, CANADA - Fri May 9 20:03:11 1997

Work from home using your Computer as an Agent for
Long Distance Carrier. High Commissions paid. Visit our Site for more information @:
Brooklyn, NY, USA - Sun May 4 23:20:08 1997

LOS ANGELES, USA - Sun May 4 23:15:04 1997

Wanted business minded people to share our sucess in Russia. Looking for
peole who speak Russian & English and have Email Check out our Web Site.
Ric Wallace <rs@execulink.com>
London, Canada - Sun May 4 7:12:00 1997

( 5/5/1997 ) slava@netnet.net
Могу работать как представитель Российской
фирмы в USA по покупки и отправки до России
автомобилей USA производства и запчастей к
ним.Новые и б/у.А так же многое другое. Sergei Svetleachni.
Christian Russian Business Organization GenEx,Green Bay,WI,54304 USA Tel.414 496

Ищем секретаря-референта с навыками
работы на компьютере, коммуникабельного (18-28лет)
для работы в офисе с 10.00 до 19.00час с понедельника
по пятницу. Зарплата в первый испытательный
месяц - 250$, в дальнейшем - в зависимости от
проявленных успехов и навыков.
Дмитрий Зеленов <dzelenov@glasnet.ru>Москва,
Russia - Thursday, May 8, 1997 at 20:24:58

Хочу работать,ничего ни делать и чтобы
деньги были!
Андрей <maloy@chem.dvgu.ru>ВЛАДИВОСТОК,
Russia - Thursday, May 8, 1997 at 02:32:04

Нужна работа на дому. Имею доступ к WWW,
выполню любой перевод с английского на русский.
Юлия <serg@tl.nordlink.ru>Северодвинск,
Russia - Monday, May 5, 1997 at 23:24:33