Kelantan, which translates as the "Land of Lightning" is a veritable treasure trove of delights rustic fishing villages, verdant padi fields and languid, palm-fringed beaches. Tucked away in the north-eastern corner of Peninsular Malaysia, the people of Kelantan have managed to keep alive age-old customs and traditions, thus earning the state a reputation as the Cradle of Malay Culture.Kelantan's history dates back to between 8000 to 3000 B.C.Kelantan's economy is chiefly agrarian with the land yielding padi, rubber and tobacco. Fishing along its 96kilometre coastline is also an important economic activity while livestock rearing is gaining importance.
Cottage industries which employ traditional skills such as batik-painting, woodcarving and songket weaving are also evident. In recent years, tourism has also become a major money spinner. Kota Bharu, the capital, is the major urban centre but there are plans to open up the southern portion of the state under an ambitious multi-million dollar development project.

Map of central Kota Bharu. You will find most places of interest. Where to find the Cultural places, Bus terminals, Banks, Official Offices eg Tourist Information, Post Office etc.


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