An understanding of ones makeup can not be acheived without knowing the type of work, professional background, influences and experience that have moulded that individual. I have aspired all my life to mimic those with true artistic ability, unfortunately I am not one of those who can draw or paint. I am amzed by artists like Jim Bateman, who is world renowned for his magic of capturing nature at its best.
Truth be know, I couldn't draw a straight line to save my life, however with the aid of a straight edge, set square and an eraser, I did develop a skill for drafting and through schooling and job experience entered the world of graphics via the back door as it were. With the introduction of computers, I was no longer limited by my lack of artistic skills and have over the years used my natural abilities and enhanced them through countless hours of learning not only the technology itself but a vast array of graphics and design programs. Isn't technology great? As with most things, I am my own worst critic but I think the end results, usually speaks for themself. If you would like to see some of my handy work, just click on my company logo. In the near future I will also create a link to my resume, for those of you who would like to know more about my work history and experience.