
- The Keeps Code
- Treat others as you yourself would want to be treated
- Listen with your heart, soul and mind, not just your ears
- Being a friend is not limited to just the good times
- Offer a lending hand to those in need, someday the need may be yours
- If you look hard enough, you will find good in all things
- Wisdom comes from experience and knowledge from the effort of trying
- Learn from your mistakes, don't repeat them and heed the mistakes made by others
- Share of yourself and those around you will be the richer for it, as will you
- Listen to the little voice inside you, it will never steer you wrong
- Being selfish is not a bad thing, knowing when to apply it is the key
- When in doubt, ask..., there is no shame in not knowing, however pretense nurtures stupidity
- Never let your pride get in the way of your own best interests
- Invest in others and the reward will be yours
- Expect from life what you're prepared to put into it
- Respect the opinions of others, even when you disagree with their views
- Honor others beliefs and defend their right to those beliefs
- Be not judgmental in your views but understanding and open to new ideas
- Hold onto your dreams, they are the foundation of hope
- The heart and mind can overcome any obstacle
- You have only failed if you haven't tried
- Procrastination is the art of avoiding the inevitable
- Gifts should be offered without expectations and received without obligation
- A silent truth is more often worse than a spoken lie
- Many a thing is precious, yet does not glitter like gold
- The value of a loved one should not be weighed but treasured
- It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open ones mouth and remove all doubt
- Look beyond the outter shelf, if you want to experience true beauty
- Truth......Like water......sometimes takes the course of least resistance and is often not spoken for just that reason

Just a Thought or Two - Previous Quotes

- To extinguish someone elses flame,
only serves to deminish the brightness of your own.

- Admit it, we have all done foolish
things in the past. Human kinds saving grace is that we are not all fools at the
same time. Remember that the next time someone cuts you off in traffic or does
something stupid. Be thankful it's not you, it's someone else turn today.

- It's a shame when one doesn't listen to
good council from others, but it's the highest form of stupidity not to listen to
the little voice within us all.

- When the heart and mind follow
different paths........there can be no peace.......no harmony............only
pain and confusion.

- Travelling along lifes path, you will
encounter many obstacles and opportunities. Not all obstacles are detrimental
and not all opportunities are beneficial, the key is knowing the difference.

- External bumps and bruises can heal without a trace, however lies leave scares that never heal.

- Words expressed with an honest heart and good intention can still fall short of reality, yet the pain and disappointment that results, causes real pain. Choose your words wisely, speak with the rational mind and not with a wishful heart.