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Enter a realm of fun, laughter and wonder, where the magic of imagination thrives.

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Since it came on line, on the 25th of May, 1997
Last Updated 14 December 1998

In days of old, Castles were built as a haven for all, a shelter providing safety and security.
I'm hoping to make Castles Keep that and much more. A sanctuary of thought provoking exchanges, amusement and entertainment, where you can experience all aspects of human nature. Come join with me and explore, as we did as children, the marvels and curiosities, we call life. Suspend the logic and the rational and allow the child in you to believe in magic. What treasures lay beyond the stars, find that spot and it will magically transport you to another place.
In Memory Of

Thought for the day......Appreciate the simple things in life.... for in them lay the true treasures and joys of living. Our senses allow us to perceive things, our reason and question and our hearts to love and feel.

Previous Thoughts
It's really nice when others appreciate your efforts.
Thank You...... to the people who take the time to visit.
Feel free to contact me with comments good, bad or otherwise at
ICQ UN# 3238901

The author is a member of
The HTML Writers Guild