Computer Technology

This is an explanation of the purpose of the form ...

Send me your photos and I
will scan them onto a diskette. Prices are very reasonable.
Color or Black and White. Positives only, no negatives. I
will scan any photo except children in sexual photos. All
scans will be returned with in 48 hours. Pictures will be on
a 3.5" HD diskette. Contact me via e-mail for a price before sending your photos.
Most pictures will be $5.00, but there maybe circumstances
that require special processing. You will get your photos
back, plus diskette with scanned pictures and program
(Graphics Workshop 95) to show pictures as slides or
individule, full screen pictures.
Please mark all envlopes
as "Photos do not bend". This
dosen't mean they won't get mangled by the P.O. but chances
are better that they will arrive in good shape.
Send Photos to:
Bill Persky
1749 Spinning Wheel Dr.
Lutz, Florida 33549-3350
Don't forget to include your name and address along with a
check for the amount agreed to on e-mail.
I make WEB pages and WEB sites for business and personal.
Price varies according to the complexity and number of pages.
Send me a sketch of what you want and I will work up a sample
for you. You reserve the space and I will make WEB pages for
you and install them.

Look in on the Israeli Knesset
Click on selection
WildWood Flower
Wildwood Flower(different version)
Wabash Cannon Ball
Turkey in The Straw
Steel Guiter Rag
Salty Dog
When The Saints Go Marching In
Grandfathers Clock
The Battle Hymn of the Republic
That Old Mountain Dew
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Last revised: April 20, 1997