Betty Persky's Page

This entire page is devoted to Betty J.

All about Betty Persky
I just wanted to tell a little about how Betty trapped me.
First we met in Vero Beach she was 28 and I was ...well I won't say.
Betty told me she liked to go camping and that she knew how to row a canoe.
Did she know how to row a canoe? No!
Second, she didn't know how to cook, and she claimed she could.
I had to teach her how to cook along with several other things.
Third, we went to Canada and I asked her if she knew how to read a map, of
course her answer was, yes!
Guess what, right again!
Lost in Canada, I had to drive and read the map.
Fourth, we were in Vermont (Brattleboro). Had a wonderful time there, but
Right again, she misspelled Brattleboro.
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