My Former Co-workers

Click on the name of the person below who you would like to find out more information about, including where they live, where they work, or how to contact them.

David W. Biggers (updated 4/27/98)
Pam Boehringer (updated 1/10/01)
Ina Brand (updated 5/12/03)
Gloria Burroughs (updated 5/31/98)
Diane Butler
Karen Darroch
Pattie Entenok (updated 10/08/02)
Gary Fitch
Dave Foster (updated 1/17/98)
Mary Sue Foster
Bob Gilbert (updated 9/21/97)
Christine Graehling
Barry Hatfield (updated 2/13/98)
Pat Kitzel
Seth Maiden (updated 4/1/98)
Chris Mandela
Michael J. Mayer (updated 7/13/98)
George McFadden (updated 4/24/98)
Rob McMillan
Yiting Mi
Peter Miller (updated 1/10/99)
Bill Misencik (updated 10/20/99)
Dawn Stone (Mowbray) (updated 3/8/07)
John Otero (updated 8/20/98)
Jed Pearlman (updated 6/5/01)
Pam Pearlman(updated 6/5/01)
Brad Polman (updated 2/24/07)
Robyn Price (updated 10/8/02)
Jim Pshock
Jeff Rains
Julie Giessler (Raum) (updated 2/26/07)
Eric Rouge
Gary Sheplavy
Rick Smith
Denise Svekric (updated 3/5/07)
Pete Synnott (updated 4/15/99)
Donna Paglia (Taylor) (updated 2/26/07)
Dave Terrill (updated 2/26/07
Paul Tucek (updated 12/25/99)
Kelly Turk (updated 12/2/98)
Steve Ware
Joy Avallone (Weidlich) (updated 2/24/07)
Betty Zanoskar (updated 5/13/98)

If you are a former co-worker of mine and would like to be included on this list, then please send e-mail to


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