"Yeah, well, wish in
one hand and crap in the other and see which one builds up first!"
Tom Servo
Well, as you can see by the lack of upgrades, there has been little or no new Crusader information. It's been slow. There's just rumors of Crusader: Online. They may have stopped production of the games (Not sure about this one. I recived this via E-mail. Anyone confirm?) I finally got the patches and some other music files up and running, like many of you have asked for. I also put up a little Message From the Editor. One quick thought, if you like Pokemon, don't read it. It's the battle of "Ash".
- Dan -
Content (It's cheesy. Any better ideas?)
News - Latest news
Cheats - What page wouldn't have these?
Downloads - Patches, Music Files, Get the CD rom working in DOS mode. It's all here
Message Board - Post and reply to Crusader messages
from the Editor - My little corner to rant.
Hey, got a better idea for this page? I'm glad to hear it. Drop back a line to