John Swinson is a solicitor in Brisbane, Australia. He is a partner at Mallesons Stephen Jaques, specialising in intellectual property law and technology law. John is admitted to practice law in both Australia and New York State.
As a partner at Mallesons Stephen Jaques in Brisbane, Australia, John is part of the Intellectual Property and Technology group. Detailed information about John can be found on the Mallesons website and on the WIPO website.
John practises in the following areas:
John is a solicitor in Australia, but is also admitted as an attorney in New York State where he practiced law for six years. John is an ICANN panelist in relation to domain name disputes, on the WIPO panel.
Street address
Waterfront Place, Level 30, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Australia
Postal address
GPO Box 1406, Brisbane QLD 4001 Australia
Electronic mail address
Work Web address
When John lived in the United States, he worked at Kenyon & Kenyon in New York City:
John obtained an LLM from Harvard Law School
John obtained a BA (major in computer science) and LLB from the University of Queensland
John is also an adjuct Professor at the Queensland University of Technology and teaches an LLM/MBA course titled "Legal Regulation of the Internet"