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European Welcome Welkom, Willkommen, Välkommen, Velkommen, Walcum, Croeso, Benvenuti, Bienvenue, Benvinguts, Benvido, Bienvenida, Bien ati veni, Bienvenidos, Dobro pozhalovat, Dobrodosli, Pari yegak, Kalos orisate, Mire se vijni, Ongi etorri, Tere tulemast, Tervetuloa, Terveh tulgua, Isten hozta, Esiet Sveicinati, Merhba, Witam, Buerie biejjie, Fàilte
Asian Welcome Shagatom, Foon ying, Huan ying, Aayiye, Yin dee, Irashaimasu, Hwangyeonghamnida, Mabuhay, Chaa-phenang, Hush kildegez, Hos geldiniz Pacific Welcome Kia orana, Malolelei, Kiora, Sew ngapa, Maeva, Malo-e-lelei, Talofa, Jingiwalli-wahlu African Welcome Barka da zuwa, Amohela, Amogela, Akwaba, Amkela, Karibu, Emukela

's Place
Number of Visitors since July 19, 1997.
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Learning Is A Lifelong Process even for Budding Entrepreneurs

I'm Mann
I moved in on July 19, 1997.

Before that, I thought only programmers can create web-pages
and maybe I had to have lots of $$$$$$$ to do so. I was wrong.
Well, thanks to Geocities and her citizens who contributed guide pages.

Check out my Life Learning Resources Center below
then you'll know why Learning is a life-long process;
how Knowledge Builds Civilization;
and by Sharing your Ideas and Experience
makes life pretty much easier for everyone.

hot Buttons to superb SITES
Life Learning Resources
Healthy Living Healing, Nutrition, Parenting, Libido
HTML-Made-Easy HTML Station , HTML Workshop, HTML Guru, HTML Guide, Color Codes, Escape Codes, Put A Chatroom,Free GIFs, Free Animated GIFs
Home Business Resources for SoHos & budding entrepreneurs, instant business plans, magazines, tips, training and venture capital
Internet Distance Learning Accredited Online Universities for Diploma, Degree and MBA; Internet Training, Internet Guide, Other Online Short Courses, Certified,Non Certificate, Books
All About Malaysia General Info,Travel Guide-Islands/Beaches/NationalParks/Hotels,Learn Survival Bahasa Malaysia, Prime Minister's Homepage, Multimedia Super Corridor, News, Business,Yellow Pages,Education,Web Sites


Please share your quality experience and wonderful ideas. Maybe with the help from my Global Neighbours,
I could fill my first page with Greetings from other languages. E-Mail me your Local Greetings.


Or just drop them in my guest book.
This way, many visitors can share your Greetings as well.
If you like the can get more from my friend's homepage[ Midi MARVL ]
If you listen to the music he created, you'll know he has doubt about it.

Till then...Au revoir, Wiedersehen,Khuda Hafiz, Ma'assalamah, Salamat, Jumpa Lagi..

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