(c) Hudson Soft
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This page is especially for the real DynaBlaster fans, who have
finished the game several times, but enjoy it
while playing against each other. If you haven't finished the game yet, press
On this site you'll find all the Level-codes.
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Quick Reference Guide
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Hints for Battle-play:
* Place your bombs where they will blow up as many walls as possible when exploding, especially when you have just one bomb to place!
* However, sometimes it's necessary to place your bomb where it will only blow up one brick. Eg. when a fire-ghost is locked up...
* Try to collect goodies (more bombs or flame-power) early in the game. Don't worry about killing other people until later. Otherwise, you'll waste your time trying, while the others are collecting goodies.
* If you get extra bombs early on, then use them immediately! You can work twice as efficiently by setting one bomb while waiting for another bomb to explode.
* Don't be afraid to sit on a bomb for a few secs. It's not going off right away...
* If you sit on your bomb for a while and then move away at the last moment, the others may not see the bomb, because your body will cover much of the bomb.
* An exloding bomb sets off other bombs. You can use this by setting off other bombs earlier, so you can surprice your opponents! This may take a bit of practice, but practice makes perfect...
BomberMan InfoPage : Lots of information and links... Also a link to
Atomic BomberMan!! This is a Bomberman clone for windows95. It's possible to play over the Internet (up to 10 players!)
Bomberman Gaming Homepage
This page rates bomberman-clones and let you download them so that
you can try them out yourself.
Aminet : Database, Dynablaster for PC included! (5767 K)
Spiele-Tips (Dynablaster) : Tips for German people
Cheatcodes : Codigos das fases
Official X-Blast Home Page
Download the latest version of XBlast (already compiled!)
Segasages: Large database with cheats
X-Blast: Bomberman/DynaBlaster for Unix
dyna.zip (387 K) Finally! I hope (and many with me) this one works all right now...
dynablst.arj (384 K) Mea Culpa presents: DynaBlaster for the PC
bm95demo.zip (8.8 MB) Interplay Atomic Bomberman Windows 95 Demo
(488 K) Bomb, made by Silicon Circus
boom_aga.lha (45 K) AGA Dynablaster/BomberMan clone, 2-4 players
MasterBlast221.lha (197 K) The Ultimate DynaBlaster Clone V2.2
TNT-Fix.lha (89 K) A DynaBlasters-style game (working version)
Friends.lha (108 K) AGA Dynablaster clone
d-stroy1.lha (716 K) D-Stroy: Bomberman type game 1/2
d-stroy2.lha (732 K) D-Stroy: Bomberman type game 2/2
xblast-2.2.tar.gz (79K) X-Blast: Bomberman/DynaBlaster-clone for Unix
xblast 2.6 B (latest -compiled for SunOS- version!) or click here
If you have any questions, remarks or supplements, mail me! Write 'Dyna' at the subject.
Last updated: 10 Jun 1998 (c) Puck
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