Bolton High School Class of 1974

Welcome to the virtual reunion of the Bolton High School Class of 1974. The photo to the left is, of course, from my senior yearbook. The photo to the right is more up to date :-).

I didn't make it to the 20-year class reunion in 1994. I could give all sorts of excuses;... just moved to Omaha; started a new job; no vacation time (officially anyway :-); but the real reason?... My circle of high school friends and acquaintances was small and most of them, for whatever reason, didn't attend anyway. I didn't think I'd find many people to talk to.

Well, to borrow a well-worn cliche,... Time flys... :-) The 30-year reunion will be held in 2004. I promise to screw up my courage and make an appearance.

If, like me, you didn't attend the 1994 class reunion, this page may provide you with a small taste of what you missed. If you did attend the reunion I hope this page brings back fond memories. Follow the link below to the 1994 Class Reunion picture. Don't recognize some of these people? Click a face out of the crowd and see what they looked like in 1974 :-)

1994 Class Reunion

If you just want to display the reunion picture you can click on the thumbnails below. Please note that there are two sizes: Medium (bshc74m.jpg) and Large (bhsc74l.jpg). The medium-sized picture will load faster on your web browser but may not be as clear as the larger one.


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