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It goes without saying that this page is and probably always will be "under construction". Have patience and check back from time to time. Your comments on my webpage are always welcome. Feel free to use the form provided at the bottom of this page or e-mail me at rgauthier@geocities.com. Alternate addresses may be found by following the link below to "More about me".
My name is Ralph Gauthier. I'm originally from Alexandria, Louisiana, USA; a Cajun by birth though I never made an effort to assimilate myself into the culture :-(. I left my ancestral home in 1974. After a short tour of duty in the military, I settled in San Diego, California (1977-1994). In the summer of 1994 I relocated my family to Omaha, Nebraska, to settle near my wife's relatives and enjoy a better standard of living.
I've undertaken the establishment of this webpage in order to stake a claim in cyberspace; to leave some record for those (if any :-) who might wonder "Whatever became of whats-his-name". Though this page is personal in nature, I hope it will provide you, the reader, with some useful tidbit, perhaps a link to a resource for some common interest that we share. In any event, read on, enjoy...
Use the link below to contact me via e-mail. If you're browser is not currently configured with e-mail capabilities the feedback form will suffice.