
Welcome To Kevin's Homepage at GeoCities

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 Left HeartWhere you'll find the best place to hang around....Right Heart


Hi! My name is Kevin and I am a Singaporean!! I love to make new friends from around the world through the Internet. Please do drop me an email whenever you can.


Alamak Internet International Chat Room

Alamak Internet Asia Chat Room

CitiPro Training Centre

My Garden of Flowers Homepage

My Musical Homepage

Colour Covertor [Numerical to Hex]

April's Domain

Chantelle's Domain

Genny's Domain

Jamie's Domain

Melissa's Domain

Melody's Domain

Rowaida's Domain


Click Here to Enter My Homepage in Singapore


Please feel free to browse around. Any comments and suggestions into improving this homepage are welcomed.

MailboxSend me an email at , kevinmatthew@geocities.com. Divider

This page was last updated on the 10/5/97


Welcome to Kevin's Homepage at GeoCities


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