Welcome to Suresh Ganesan's Intro Page

I live near Chicago,illinois.

Hi, My Name is Suresh Ganesan.

I'm Currently taking ECT 410 - WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT WITH SCRIPTING from Depaul University.

I'm working toward my Masters Degree in Info Systems from Depaul University.

My favorite cities to go on vacation are:
  1. Paris, France
  2. Madras Chennai, India
  3. London, U.K.
  4. Brussels, Belgium
  5. Delhi, India
I've been to all of them above and I love it. The cities that I want to visit in the future are I just love the internet. It is the source of knowledge and you can get so much info from it and never get tired of it.
Here are the some of the links that I like.

Business Leisure News
Worth WSJ Careers USA Today
Forbes WSJ Personal tech NY Times
Money WSJ Homes Chicago Tribune
Financial Times iVillage Chicago Sun Timess

My Index

You can e-mail me if you have comments/questions, e-Mail me

Good Bye.. and Come Again!!!!
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