Senior IMAF student, Dave Ferreira displaying his first place win at the "Bakbakan" full contact stickfighting tournament held on September 29th 2001. |
Senior IMAF student Anthony Gerber also displays his first place win at the same tournament. |
First JFJKD Regional Conference held in NYC 1999
Sifu Ted Wong instructs his session in the first ever 1999 JFJKD Regional Conference hosted by IMAF and International Martial Arts of Columbus which was held in New York. |
Sifu Chris Kent conducting his session at the 1999 JFJKD Regional Conference held in NY.
Sifu's Don Edwards, Cliff Derry and Tre Hockett with instructors Sifu's Richard Bustillo, Chris Kent and Ted Wong at the 1999 JFJKD Conference in NY.
Group photo at the 1999 JFJKD Conference held in NY |
IMB Seminars with Sifu Richard Bustillo
IMAF students and Sifu Don with Sifu Bustillo at a recent IMB seminar hosted by Chris Smith in CT.
Guro's Don and Cliff with GM Cacoy Canete, GM Richard Bustillo and Apprentice Instructor Steve Fisco at the 1999 IMB Instructors conference. |
Don Edwards with Sifu Gene Labell after a training session at the 1999 IMB Instructors Conference. |
Don Edwards with Sensei John Machado after a training session at the 1999 IMB Instructors Conference.
Eskrima pics with Master "Dong" Cuesta and GM "Diony" Canete
Debbie works with Bruce on olisi disarming techniques.
Guro Don Edwards with Master Dong Cuesta and GM Diony Canete, Chris Smith, Tom Hurley and Jason Silverman.