On the web since 1997

My Home Pagegronier@fan.net

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Welcome to my Home Page.

You will find here some information intended to the public, some intended to my professional acquaintances and some, at last, intended to the members of my family.


Thanks to this site I can join two of my major center of interests : kites and the Internet !




In the Kite Gallery you will find most of my kites. Some were purchased, some were home-build.
It is organized as a thumbnail list, fast to load, leading to booklets holding four 192 x 128 resolution gif pictures.

All my home-build kites were designed on my Macintosh with ClarisCAD. I converted the plans in gif format to publish them on the Internet.

I am interested in kite aerial photography since 1996. A page was dedicated to this topic, with plans and photos of my cradle.

One of my recently build kite (2001) is an aeroplane. Here are the pictures of it's first flight.

My most recent kite has been called Pic Pic by my son . It's a big fat ball full of air ... and it's also a good lesson of geometry.

Graphic Arts

I am a graduated architect but my career shifted to the graphic industry some 13 years ago. I am now a seasoned professional in this industry here is the professional section of my Home Page.

I am presently not looking for a job, but I believe it is a good idea to leave my professional details on my home page. So here is where I store my updated resume. (available in html and pdf formats).

Read more about Ogilvy's famous quote
"If you always hire people who are smaller than you are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. If you always hire people who are bigger than you are, we shall become giants."


Here is the list of my favorite bookmarks, featuring sites related to the Macintosh, the Psion 5, the Graphic Arts and other practical topics.


I joined Electronics for Imaging France in october 2003 to sell and support the Business Management, CIM and e-business products recently bought by EFI from PrintCafe.

My previous positions where at VIO as Business Development Manager for Europe.
And I formerly spent three years at Scitex France (then CreoScitex and now Creo) as a Marketing Manager.
The least I can do is to recommend a visit to the web sites of
EFI, PrintCafe, Vio, Scitex, CreoScitex and Creo to all the industry professionals.

When I take pictures of business events, I usually publish them as digital albums.
Scitex stuff :
Trombinoscope Scitex

Mid Year Meeting 99
JPO Somagra
Scitex Print Factory
EverSmart Jazz Launch
Pre Drupa Event in Israel
Scitex France trip to Israel (march 2000)
VIO stuff :
VIO Christmas Party 2001
Intergraphic 2002
IPEX 2002

My Family

This section is intended to the members of my family connected to the Internet. That includes my parents, Internauts since recently, and my brother Michaël that I support in his professional usage of the Web.
There might also be other members of my family connected without me knowing of. Please let me know about you by sending me a
message !



Here is a (very small) selection of my family album. That should definitively interest a very small circle of internauts !

I take a picture of my little girl Louise every month so we can enjoy her evolution.

If you like free-diving and scuba-diving you should check Imersion's Web site, created by my brother Mica. It's full of information, nice photos and cool equipment.

Already Lost ? Here is a site map :

Christophe Gronier © 1997/98/99/00/01/02/03

Last update : 8/10/2003

This page has been visited times since the 20th Dec. 2001.
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