Flaming Dragon
Home of the
AntiqueDragon Design Studio

Click for Baghdad, Iraq Forecast Baghdad weather - as our youngest son is over there serving our country for us - prayers gladly excepted for him We are better known as Bob & Cheri'e Keckhut & we live in Arizona. Our studio was originally started as a stained glass studio, but due to health reasons we have had to set that aside for the time being with hopes to return to it one day. Cheri'e suffers from Fybromyalgia & varius others conditions that keep her from being able to cut the glass, but she is still designing, not only stained glass but also quilts, crafts, and web pages (this one for example).
Welcome to our little home on the WWW
Bob & Cheri'e
We also have 2 sons - Rob (the oldest child 35 years old hehe :0}) & Matthew (Youngest) whom is married to April (a wonderful daughter-in-law). These two have given us 2 - absolutely the most wonderful grandchildren in the world (sound like a Grandma talking????) The oldest is Jacob (he is so close to my heart) we were able to form such a bond the month that I stayed with Matthew & April while waiting for little Cheri'e to arrive & Cheri'e (yes my name sake) what an honor to have a child named after you (still can't get me down off that pestal). She was almost born on my birthday but decided that she had to share grandma's name so she wasn't going to share her birthday 
        You can still see our stain glass work here on this site just click  onEye of the Dragon
"'The Eye of the Dragon'
Below you can see a picture of the stained glass faeries that were made with our daughter Jill in mind. She collects faeries (well, it started out as faeries but now she is getting picky and only wants nymphs)She lives in Norfolk Virginia - way to far away from Mom.

We are still Under construction - but putting great effort into getting it back on-line. Hope to have it up and running real soon - new computer is on it's way which should help out time wise. Youngest son is putting it together - so I can have a really nice one without having to spend a fortune for it (thanks son)

In the mean time we are keeping busy. Just pounce on one of the buttons below & you can read about us there

Our Hobbies and Interests
started page - looking good so far
Our Personal Background
working on page
Our Professional Information
More of our stained glass works
Winkling ElfPlease Feel Free to E-Mail us at anytime, Just Click on the Winking Elf
We have had visitors to our site since 7/08/97. Thanks for stopping by.
Please come visit us again soon our little dragons do love the
attention they get while your here.
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P.S. In my first wanderings on the Internet I stole a ton of stuff from other websites, never intending to use any of it on the Internet, only for personal use. I didn't bother to make notes of where I got anything or whom I got it from. Needless to say, I would like to give credit where credit is due as well as stay out of jail----SO, if you happen to recognize something of yours, please send me an e-mail with the details. I would be happy to include your information or remove the .gif from my site.