David R. Allison, D.Min.
Church Government and Administration Consulting
Post Office Box 1071
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35403

Questions? E-Mail me.

Church Government and Administration Information

This page was developed to provide churches and church administrators with vital information on rapidly changing trends affecting churches and nonprofit ministries. It is my hope that the information will be beneficial to you.

I am a church consultant from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. My work and ministry experience includes 15 years in full-time ministry, working as a pastor and church administrator. I worked for a number of years with a regional CPA firm which emphasizes work with ministers and churches.

As a sole practitioner working from my home, I have served hundreds of clients across the United States, primarily in the Southeast and Midwest. I assist churches in setting up their government and administration, file for exempt status, and keep things in order by providing annual reviews and consultations. I also have written several books and manuals, and more are planned. In addition, I am producing a seminar, The Church and the IRS, which will be presented later this year.

Check this page frequently for updates in news and information that will benefit your church ministry.

This Week:

The Basics of Church Government: Learn the basics of structuring church government from the ground up. These solid principles will keep your church on track.

The Church and the IRS: Churches have a special relationship with the IRS. Discover where you stand and what the IRS looks for in your church.

Filing Form 1023: Should your church file for IRS exempt status? It's not required, but it may be advisable in the midst of changing trends.

AdvisoryNewsletter cover story for April, 1997. Learn the truth about the effects of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2 and ministerial compensation.

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