Pharmacy Practice- Continuing Education (Chapter
4729-7-01 Definitions
C.E.U. - Continuing education unit - 10 contact hours
(C) Approved C.E. - CE presented by an approved provider
(D) Approved provider - Approved by Rx Board or ACPE
4729-7-02 Requirements for renewal
1. 6.0
CEU’s (60 hours) every 3 years
2. 0.3 CEU’s(3 hours) of Rx
3. Must be obtained in 3 year
period preceding 7/1 of year of reporting
4. Extra cannot be carried
5. Maintaining CE &
licensed in another state can renew in Ohio. See Statement.
4729-7-08 Alternative methods of proving continuing
1. Currently
certified by a board approved pharmacy practice specific specialty
certification program.
2. Such
certification programs shall consist of:
(1) Periodic
recertification examinations;
Documentation by the certification program that the pharmacist is currently
certified by the program;
(3) Other
requirements as determined by the board.
4729-7-03 Evidence of CPE Experiences
Keep certificates
Drugs (Chapter 4729-9)
4729-9-01 Definitions
(A) Dangerous drug
(B) Adulterated - drug is adulterated
if beyond expiration date.
(E)Revoke, (F)suspend, (G)place on probation
Minimum standards for a pharmacy.
(A) Library ****
(B) Equipment
(C) Drugs
(D) Rx containers
(E) Space and fixtures
4729-9-04 Returned Drugs
Drugs may not be returned
after having left premises except for
- Inpatients in tamper evident
- Or in certain outpatient
4729-9-05 Security Requirements
are to maintain effective procedures to guard against theft and diversion.
-Substantial compliance means:
Review 14 points in regulation
- New systems or changes to be reviewed and approved
by board
4729-9-06 Disposal of Dangerous Drugs which are Controlled
Very similar
to federal regulation.
(A)(1) Submit letter to Rx Board
& request permission to dispose of C.S.
Board will respond - transfer,
destroy or other instructions.
May give permission to
regularly dispose. See division (C) of regulation
4729-9-07 Discontinue business as Terminal
Notify board in writing 14
days in advance.
Do complete inventory on date
of discontinuing business
4729-9-08 Change in description of Terminal
Notify board of any change in
name, ownership or address of terminal distributor
4729-9-09 Security of prescription
blanks and DEA form 222
4729-9-10 Occasional sale - Wholesale sale by a terminal distributor.
Total value shall not be
>5% of total value of all DD’s sold in calendar year. Value based on
cost of drugs
Do not confuse w Fed CS reg
4729-9-11 Security and control of dangerous drugs
R.Ph. to provide supervision
and control according to division (A)
-Personal supervision by R.Ph.
-If no R.Ph. then follow
-Note (A)(3)
-And Note also Division(C)
4729-9-12 Verification of license of terminal
distributor and wholesaler.
Wholesaler to see copy of
Term. Dist. certificate
Term. Dist. to get
registration number of wholesaler.
4729-9-13 Distributor of Dangerous Drug Samples
Must be registered as
4729-9-14 Records (relates to
controlled substances)
Records for CS’s received, administered, or dispensed.
-(B) Must do inventory. Similar to DEA iinventory.
-(B)(2) Separate inventory for each locaation
-Other requirements similar to federal rregulation.
4729-9-15 Report of theft of dangerous drugs,
controlled substances and drug documents.
Notify authorities of (any)
theft or significant loss of any dangerous drug or CS. (Rx Board, DEA, Local
Notify Ohio board immediately by telephone
Theft of CS use form 106
Form 106 to be filed with board within thirty days
Must also report any theft or loss
of Rx blanks and form 222’s
Storage of adulterated drugs
Adulterated drugs shall be stored separately.
Can only be kept for one
year.(2 years for wholesalers)
4729-9-18 Licenses to be readily available
4729-9-20 Repackaged drugs
(A)Labels to contain:
-Name of drug, strength & dosage forrm
-ID of repackager by name or last 6 digiits of TDDD registration
-Pharmacy control number
-Pharmacy expiration date (Cannot be latter than mfg. expiration date)
(B)Records of prepacks must be maintained. See division (B) for details)
Drugs compounded in pharmacy
-Pharmacist shall inspect & approve
-Pharmacist shall be responsible
for all
records and maintenance & use of equipment.
Limited quantity of may be
compounded in advance
More Compounded Drugs
(B) Parenteral
and sterile product prescriptions shall be compounded in accordance with
Chapter 4729-19
(H) Labels for
a compounded prescription that is prepared in anticipation of a prescription
drug order shall contain, information set out in (1)-(4)
4729-9-22 Records of dangerous drugs (Not controlled substances)
- Need records of receipt
- Need records of
administering and dispensing.
-Keep for three years.
Dispensing of multiple drugs in single-dose containers.
On-line sales of dangerous drugs at wholesale and retail.