This site is no longer current!!!! I haved moved from the state of Ohio. I can be contacted by email at

Ohio Pharmacy Information Page

Table of Contents


Table of Contents
This page contains information of interest to Ohio pharmacists, pharmacy students and pharmacy technicians.
At this site you can find

  1. The text of most Federal and State laws and regulations that Ohio pharmacy professionals need to know.

  2. Information on the University of Toledo, College of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Jurisprudence Class.

  3. Links to the websites of the four colleges of pharmacy in Ohio and other colleges of pharmacy located throughout the United States.

  4. Links to pharmacy resources of all varieties including drug manufacturers, associations, government agencies and medical information.

  5. Links to several on-line pharmacy and medical journals.

    Any comments and suggestions concerning improvements or additions to this website should be emailed to the address at mailbox at the top of the homepage.

    This Site is designed and constructed by
    James Granecki, R.Ph. J.D.
    5758 Columbine Rd
    Prescott, AZ 86305
    E mail by clicking here
    Click here to E-mail Jim Granecki

    Note concerning the legal text files that are contained in some of the links below. Please read the following instructions that will help you navigate these files.

    1. The legal text files are quite large and will take a while to download to your computer. Please be patient! If you try to search through the text before it completely downloads your computer will not respond.

    2. To view a particular topic located in the table of contents, just click on the blue underlined number link that will take you to that topic.

    3. To find a particular word or concept not listed in the table of contents follow this procedure. Click on the Edit field that is located in the toolbar at he top of the page. Then click on Find in page selection that appears in the drop down menu. Next type in the word or concept that you are looking for in the text and click on the Find Next dialog button. The search program will search through the entire document for all references to what has been typed in.

    Table of Contents

    (Click on the appropriate box below)

    Federal Regulations (DEA Regulations

    Ohio State Laws Regulating Pharmacy

    Link to Summary of Senate Bill 172

    Link to Full Text of Senate Bill 172

    Ohio State Board of Pharmacy Regulations

    University of Toledo College of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Jurisprudence Class Information

    Colleges Of Pharmacy

    Links to Other Pharmacy Sites

    Pharmacy and Medical Journals

    Summary of The Legal Requirements to Practice Pharmacy in Ohio

    University of Toledo College of Pharmacy Information

    University of Toledo College of Pharmacy Links

    Spring 2002 Pharmacy Law

    The final grades are posted under "Grades" below. I curved the grades on the final somewhat. Good luck on the rest of your finals and for some of you, good luck next year when you take the board and for the rest of you good luck whenever you take the board. I am always available by email for pharmacy law related questions. Even though I won't be teaching the pharmacy jurisprudence class in the future, I will probably keep this web site up and running. At least for the next 2-3 years. Jim Granecki

    Class Syllabus Pharmacy Jurisprudence Spring 2002

    Class notes, Worksheets and other Materials


    Quiz and other assignment answers

    If you need to reach me, the best way to contact me is by email. I review my email several times a day and should respond to you fairly quickly. My email address can be accessed at the mailbox at the top of the page or at

    Spring 2001 Pharmacy Law

    May 9, 2001 The grades for this semester are posted below at the link marked "Grades". The highest number correct on the final exam was 36(92%). I curved that up to 100% and added 8 percent to the final exam score for each student.The average for the entire class for my portion of the class was 86%

    If you have questions you can e mail me by clicking on the mailbox at the top of the page. Thanks. Jim Granecki

    Class Syllabus Pharmacy Jurisprudence Spring 2001

    Notes Posted Jan 14, 2001

    Notes Posted Jan 21, 2001

    This link contains the revised controlled substances notes through Class on March 19. They are mostly the same as the ones posted Jan 21 - except for some minor revisions and additions.

    This link contains the rest of the controlled substances notes for class on March 26.

    This link contains the first set of notes covering Ohio Pharmacy Laws (Posted March 25, 2001)

    This link contains the second set of notes covering Ohio Pharmacy Laws (Posted April 1, 2001)

    This link contains the third set of notes covering Ohio Pharmacy Laws (Posted April 2, 2001)

    This link contains the fourth set of notes covering Ohio Pharmacy Laws (Posted April 22, 2001)

    This link contains the fifth set of notes covering Ohio Pharmacy Laws (Posted April 22, 2001)


    Spring 2000 Pharmacy Law

    Class Syllabus Pharmacy Jurisprudence Spring 2000

    Slides Posted March 29, 2000

    Notes/Slides Posted April 14, 2000

    Notes/Slides Posted Aptil 15, 2000

    Class Notes

    The link below contains the final grades. The highest grade on the final was 58. I added 5 to everyone's score to bring the 58 correct up to a grade of 100.8


    Midterm Answer Key

    Quiz and other assignment answers

    Additional Class Materials on Dietary Supplements

    Brand New FDA Amendments On Dietary Supplements

    Additional source for Dietary Supplement Laws & Regulations

    DEA Five Percent Rule Relating to Distributors of Controlled Substances

    Text of Proposed Pharmacy Board Regulation Changes

    Link to the Medical Board Controlled Substance Weight Reduction Rule

    Summer 1999 Pharmacy Law & Ethics

    Class Syllabus Pharmacy Jurisprudence Summer 1999

    Federal Controlled Substance Regulations

    Ohio Pharmacy Laws passed by the Legislature

    Board of Pharmacy Regulations

    Requirements for legal practice of pharmacy in Ohio

    Link to the Medical Board Controlled Substance Weight Reduction Rule

    Links to colleges of pharmacy

    Links to other pharmacy sites

    Links to pharmacy journals

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