Russel Joseph Rao
C-36, Navyug Mansion,
Bombay - 400 007
ICQ Internet Pager UIN : 248675 and 385654


Professional Summary
Last Projects
Personal Details
Computer Skills
Contacting Me

Objective :
To employ my communications, trouble shoting, business and technical skills to forward my career and help others to understand and use the vast resources in the online environment and the software industry as a whole. The software industry is witnessing a massive boom and I plan to ride the wave of technology for the betterment and benefit of both myself and the software industry.

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Professional Summary :
Extensive programming in ` C ', coupled with experience in Windows Programming, JAVA, Visual Basic, HTML, C++ programming, JavaScript, VBScript, INTERNET related technologies & development, Web Server Setup & Management, Local INTRANETS, Technical support and System Administration on Windows NT 3.51 & 4.0. Experience in the above mentioned languages for a period 5+ years professionally. Additional Experience in CGI, PERL, PowerBuilder, Oracle, Clipper, COBOL and Graphic Applications like Adobe Photoshop.

Currently the major areas of interest include JAVA Programming, Intranet Design and Development, Set up & maintenance of Internet/Intranet Servers, Set up & maintenance of World Wide Web Servers, JavaScripts & VBscripts for Interactive Web Pages, ActiveX, PERL-CGI development, System Programming, Internet-based product development, Networking, TCP/IP development and development of software on Visual Basic, Visual C/C++ and VRML.

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Last Pojects :
The projects listed below are the latest projects I have worked on.

Personal Details :

Name : Russel Joseph Rao
Postal Address : C-36, Navyug Mansion,
N. B. Marg,
Bombay 400 007
Phone Number(s) : 91-22-3898559
Fax : 91-22-3873580
Email :
Passport Number : A 2304201
Marital Status : SINGLE 
ICQ Internet Pager
248675 (Personal)
385654 (Job)
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