Welcome to my Personal Profile Pages !!!! After lots of time squeezing, soul searching and procrastination, I finally decided and found the time to do a couple of pages for my personal profile.

Here are a few pages devoted to important things in my life. Everything from my Resume, to my hobbies & passions, Music, Nature, Tech. and Work will gradually show up.

These pages will also feature the School where i spent my childhood studying, my childhood pals, classmates and some related aspects of life in around Dahanu Road, the small town in the state of Maharashtra, INDIA, where I grew up.

Yup its all about me !!!!

WARNING : Site still under construction.

Yes ! the whole truth about my stint with computing. Lotsa Techie stuff so don't blame me if you are bored by the end of it. Also available in RTF (Rich Text Format) for downloading. Compatible with Microsoft Word, WordPerfect and most other windows based word processors. Click the relevant link below to download my resume in the format of your choice.

Please go to the " Contacting Me " link if you wish to contact me.

This must be the part that keeps growing so fast that i might not have time put up enough stuff out here. Anyways, I'll also add links to my favorite humor sitez. This department belongs to " Smarts daSmartest ". Send an email to daSmartest@hotmail.com to hook up to the humor network and receive biweekly humor email.

OooowwwWooo !!!! Damn ! this is the hardest part. Dere's so many of dem. under construction....

Hmmmmmm.....definitely my favorite way to spend leisure time. I'm a hundred times more productive (workwise) under the influnce of this vice....he he he....This part is only for the music lovers.
Internet Explorer users, check out my ActiveX enhanced pages that plays Real Audio music online. ActiveXenhanced !!!!!
Yo ! Muder Nacher herself !!!! All the things you can do to contribute to making this planet a safer and healthier place to live in. Dont forget to look u p the GreenPeace link if you are a real nature freak.

Algebra....Nuns....Cathecism....Kiddie Mischief....Assembly....Detention and REAL FUN. A tribute to my childhood spent in an one of the institutions that dared to have a Student like me. God Bless those Nuns and Teachers that put up with me and put in a lot of efforts to make something outta me. Saint Mary's high School....That's where it all happened.

Friends are forever !!!!! Some links and lines about my friends, one of my most precious assets. I guess i'm blessed with a lot of great friends or maybe I'm just plain lucky. Take a look at the kind of people I hang around with while I'm on the net.

This is a bit too personal but here's some stuff about the family that i grew up in.

The link you need if you wanna contact me. Phone, Fax, Email, ICQ....i've got it all....

If you're still confused..............

Click here to Email me any comments/ suggestions email meat russel@poboxes.com

You are visitor number  to grace this page since April '97.

All individuals involved are fictious. Resemblence to any person besides me, dead or alive, is purely coincidental....he he he
This site is created using non-polluting techniques and is 100% environmentally safe and recyclable.
Page last updated on .
No Copyrights !!!! But it would be great if you used your own imagination.
Java and JavaScript, Images and Graphic enhancements by your's truly.
Best viewed with Netscape Navigator at a resolution of 800x640.
St. Mary's High School is an institution located in Dahanu Road, Maharashtra, INDIA, with the same name.

Greenpeace---- ----Visit Geocities---- ----atease

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