Magna Block your pain!
Is pain interfering with your quality of life?
Recently, I could barely walk or stand because of pain in my left knee and lower back.
I had already tried doctors, pain killers, braces, and linaments, but nothing provided much relief.
I found relief!
The day before I was scheduled to leave on a trip, a friend of a friend asked me to try using magnets to block the pain. He showed me how to use the magnets and sent three of them home with me to try. The next morning I asked my wife to help me place them on my lower back. In less than an hour, the pain was completely gone, but I continued wearing the magnets for hours. That night, after I boarded the aircraft, I placed the magnets on my left knee, and by the time I arrived at my destination, I was able to walk comfortably, without limping, for the first time in many years.
Magna Bloc".
I can only testify about how Magna Bloc magnets helped me. I can't talk about other magnets, and I can't promise you that Magna Bloc magnets will take away all your pain. What I can attest to is the fact that Magna Bloc magnets have changed my life by giving me a way to block the pain that was preventing me from enjoying life.
Need more information?
Go to the Magna Bloc website
and you can read more about Magna Bloc and
about how and why their magnets work
to effectively block pain.
Magna Bloc your pain, today!
If you have a credit card, the quickest, easiest way to order your own Magna Bloc magnets by going to the Quixtar cybermall
I foolishly let my membership expire,
so you won't need to mention me or my IBO#.
(I plan to re-affiliate in the near future.)
You should be free of pain in just a few days.
Don't have a credit card?
If you don't have a credit card, I'm not sure just how you would go about ordering. If I was currently affiliated, you could order through me. We could have worked it out through e-mail, snail-mail, and money orders. Regardless, I hope you can begin experiencing relief from your pain very soon.
It's important to pinpoint the correct location for the placement of your Magna Bloc pain blockers. As a general rule, if you haven't started feeling relief within 30 minutes, you should probably think about repositioning the magnets. When you find the right spot, you will become an instant believer. Sometimes people suffering from advanced stages of crippling arthritus might require a longer time before experiencing relief. occassionally, some individuals might require an episcan from a medical doctor to pinpoint the exact spot for proper placement of the magnets.

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