Smiling Firefly's Rant and Rave page
I have created this page to give recognition to things/people/etc. that I have had a good or bad experience with. This is by no means advertising or meant to damage the reputation of any company or person. These are my opinions of different things so your experiece may vary from mine.
RANT: 90%, well maybe more like 60% of professors do not belong in a teaching position.
Most of the professors in college are people who have high degrees in their field. This does not mean they have ANY experience actually teaching, or have ever taken a class to help them teach people. They often assume that we have Doctorates in that class, and that that class is the only class we have, and we have no life. Also there are some that flip throught powerpoint slides and expect us to get it off the web. I like to write all my own notes in my own words so I can understand it. Not try to figure out what he wrote expecting us to know it.
Prof.'s also expect us to remember every little thing from all of our classes, especially in college. Some things are ok, basics fine, but formulas or where the formulas come from are hard to remember when you are given a few hundred of them in your educational life. So if you are a professor, LEARN TO TEACH, not just talk!!!!!!
RANT: Electrical and Computer Engineers shouldn't have to take Statics and dynamics
For those unfamiliar with these courses, statics is mostly understanding force on an object, like beams in a bridge. Dynamics is the same but under moving conditions. As engineers we have to take these courses, though they will probably play no role in our life, they are basically USELESS to us. Most EE and CE's will never have to worry about forces on an object moving of not. In the real world there will usually be someone in charge of this if a problem is forseen. These two courses are 2 credits each, unless one takes the 3 credit courses instead, that's 4-6 credits total WASTED. I could see one 3 credit course covering both of these in say the third year, in case the person was going into robotics, motors, other electro-mechanical stuff.
So if you ever plan to design degree's for students, LEARN WHAT THEY ACTUALLY WILL BE USEING IN THEIR FIELDS.
RAVE: One of the best cleaning solutions
Mean Green Super strength cleaner and degreaser is one of the strongest and most usefull cleaners I have tried. This product of Chempro Inc. is powerfull enought to clean the toughest stains and residue, and the longer you let it sit the easier it is to clean. This product is also Biodegradable and though they have warnings often seen with spray oven cleaners (vent, gloves) it is very safe if you get it on your hands (assuming you don't have sensitive skin), and hasn't caused me any adverse affects physically. One small problem, it's hard to find this stuff occasionally, sometimes Wal-mart has it sometimes Dollar General. But it's under $2 for 32 oz. So if you clean, TRY THIS PRODUCT!
RANT:2 out of 3 Fast food service employees have no clue what they are doing
That's the best way I can put that, but these are the people who act like they are always on their first day of training. I know we usually get these people from High Schools and some College kids, but that is no excuse for not doing your job correctly.
One example is the Burger King located on University Ave by Oaks Mall in gainesville. Getting exactly what you want is like pulling teeth. You want rings, they give you fries; you want extra ketchup they give you one packet, enought to cover one fry. These places will give you 100 napkins or 1, inversely proportionate to the number you actually need. They treat everything as if it were gold. Sometimes they ask "do you want ketchup or salt" response "yes", "which one?", reply "both", (employee give you the "ERROR: Does not compute" look) And if you give some of them change and bills, heaven help you. Example: cost $4.50, you give them a 20 and $.50, they get that Error look again,*but wait the 20 takes care of it, what's the $.50 for?*. New addition, apparently giving a person a napkin with their drive through meal is too much trouble and costs too much, I guess when they gave me like 100 a few months ago they expect me to use those for the rest of the year (I am but that's not the point). So if you ever work for these places, LEARN TO DO YOUR JOB, OR AT LEAST GET WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT!
RANT:College Advisors don't advise, they control
Of the two advisors for my EE/CE departments, both are annoying. Whenever you ask them for something like to correct your records they sound like you are taking them away from their job. Or in our manditory visits with them to schedule classes, they don't ask, "how are classes going" or "hey think you'll pass this", no, my last visit was "here are the classes I'm giving you, bye". They just give me the feeling that they don't care at all. I know they have hundreds to thousands of students, but that doesn't mean you can't put a little care towards each student. We try to give our all in the hundreds to thousands of class, and we don't have this attitude (well not all of us). So if you are ever in an advising position, FIRST - ADVISE, SECOND CARE!!!
New addition, my advisor actually helped this past time. Gee, maybe this page actually works.