EasyAccess Databases
started in the mid-1990's as a
consultancy company to help small businesses develop and maintain
their data systems. After performing major data imports for a
couple of clients, streamlining several reporting systems, and
eradicating thousands of data-entry errors for various clients,
EasyAccess took note of another need, and began in a new arena:
Development of custom interfaces.
Expert skill with Microsoft Access and
Visual Basic allowed us to develop a user friendly
"front-end" for any ODBC-compliant database. Our
interfaces could be distributed to multiple users, with no
royalties or additional licensing, so that the business
enterprise would gain true multi-user data access.
Later, EasyAccess Databases was restructured under the same management, but with a new name and location. The company moved to Dayton, OH, and became Synaptic Data Systems, Inc. SYNAPTIC was established in 1999, and contunies to do business today.
SYNAPTIC is still developing new ideas. We use all sorts of tools and techniques, from a repertoire that grows daily. Let us develop solutions for you or your firm.
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