The author is a member of
Thank's a lot to my friend Yrma Silva for her support with the translation of this page

Welcome to my page!
My name is Cristina. I´m a Venezuelan,
25 years old and
(Eureka!) finally working on an independent
The name of my small-size company
(as small as my computer and I) is...
(TXT Edition · Design ·
...a name which reveals some of the activities
that I am capable, willing and able to
I'm a graduate in Social Communications,
majoring in Audio-Visual.
This leads you to conclude that what
makes me tick are
images, creation and above all, communications.
Since I enjoy sharing part of what I
do with
the rest of the world, here you can find...
I´m including some of my designs
which are a sample
of what I hope will be one of the best
graphics collections geared to Web pages.
For the time being, there are only
a few background designs
and coordinated sets.
The idea is to keep enriching
the collection. While I'm adding up
and updating my designs you don´t
many to choose from, but you are invited
keep coming back! : )
I like to write articles and advertising
when I'm at the keyboard, but when I´m
going to
write about my feelings or themes and
issues which
interest me, I prefer to grab pencil
and paper!
Here you´ll find some of my writings...
but only if you can read in spanish!
Anyway, I love to exchange correspondence.
So, write
to me!; )
I suppose no Web page would be complete
without including a list of the page
favorit links... so, here's mine!
I'll insist... if you want you can e-mail
me at
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