IMPORTANT: Due to strict restrictions by the FTC concerning business opportunities within the public utility industry, I am very limited as to what information I can post on this web site. The intent of this site is to make you aware of the enormous opportunities that de-regulation has and will continue to provide for anyone who is willing to take advantage of them.

Hopefully after browsing this information, you will want to do your own investigation to see if what I am telling you is true. I am in no way pretending to be posting this information out of the goodness of my heart and I do stand to profit from your venture but ONLY if you are successful.

So, whether you are a multimillionaire or unemployed, if you will simply take the time to browse these pages and follow a few links, you will be enlightened about one of the simplest ways to generate long term residual income ever.

I will provide you with more direct information via snail mail upon your request. You may request this information at anytime by going directly to the Request Form page. I have provided a link to this form at the bottom of every page.

The Public Utility Industry Is Changing At A Phenomenal Rate!!

The opportunities that these changes present are endless. It's been called "The Gold Rush Of The 1990's". A historical time in the history of this country where common ordinary people have the opportunity to create legacies that will be passed down from generation to generation.

Think about it for a moment. Think of all the homes in the US today and how much money is spent on a monthly basis for electricity, gas, water, local and long distance phone service, pagers, cellular phones and cable TV.

Now imagine what kind of income you could generate if you could capture a small percentage of that market. The long distance portion of the telecommunications industry alone consist of over 100 billion dollars per year. I mention the long distance industry because it is the first of the utilities to be opened up for competition.

Since the deregulation of the long distance industry in 1984, intense competition has forced the BIG 3 long distance providers to spend billions of dollars in the form of advertising, telemarketers and win back checks that range anywhere from $10.00 to $300.00 per customer. These forms of marketing have done nothing but made the retention problem worse. Why? Because most consumers now realize that there is no difference in the quality of service. They are fed up with the ridiculous amount of cut throat advertising they see every where they turn.

Ask yourself these questions.

  1. How many ads for long distance service do you see on a weekly basis?
  2. How many times have you switched carriers due to the direct influence of an ad you have seen?
  3. How much time do you give a telemarketer who calls you at home trying to solicit their company's long distance service?
  4. How many check offers have you received in the past, trying to seduce you into switching your long distance service?
Over the past three years I have been asking these questions to hundreds of people all over the country. Below is a summary of the responses I receive and a little input as to what these responses say to me:

  • Common Answers To Question 1.
  • Common Answers To Question 2.
  • Common Answers To Question 3.
  • Common Answers To Question 4.

  • There is a company in existence today that has found a way to create loyalty not only in the long distance industry but also in all other public utilities as they open up for competition. This company uses multi-level marketing to build it's customer base not the traditional forms of marketing mentioned earlier and in doing so is able to pay you and I the marketing dollars rather than pay Whitney Houston, Whoopie Goldberg or Candice Bergan for something that just doesn't work. Even though the MLM concept has been done to death in my opinion, there are distinct differences in this program than any other I've ever looked at:

    1. If you work your business right, the number of personal sales required to generate a substantial income is so few that most people never have to sell to anyone other than immediate family and friends. No selling to strangers or cold calls.
    2. Most MLM companies charge inflated prices for their products in order to pay the commissions to representatives. This is the only MLM company that sells it's product cheaper than traditional retail (in this case, I mean AT&T, MCI or Sprint)
    3. Because we sell a service to just a few loyal customers. There are no repeat sales. Once you sell the minimum required number of customers (20), your selling is over.

    The company I'm referring to has been using this proven method of marketing since 1988 and has seen explosive growth over the last few years, yet still has acquired only a small percentage of the total long distance market. Which makes it the 5th largest carrier in the US today according to the FCC.

    This method of marketing allows you to own your own business It requires very little capitol investment (less than $200.00) to start and provides the following benefits:

  • No Inventory
  • No Collections
  • Work At Your Own Pace
  • No Experience Necessary/Training Provided
  • Long Term Residual Income
  • Up Front Bonus Money
  • You Get Paid To Help Others

  • How I got involved.

  • This site has had visitors since March 13,1997