©Copyright 1998 BS Webdesign

After years of staring at those dull static Windows-wallpapers, Microsoft created, by releasing Internet Explorer 4, the opportunity to use a web page as your Windows-wallpaper! Most people have indeed installed Internet Explorer 4, but are not aware of this possibility! I used this new feature to put some motion into my desktop and created a few (so far, but I'm workin' on new ones!) movin' Windows-wallpapers!

First of all you need a PC, runnin' Windows '98 or Windows '95 with Internet Explorer 4 installed. Finally you need to have 'Active Desktop' activated. That's about all! If you don't have Internet Explorer 4 installed, you can download it here.

You can download them by clickin' on the 'download' icon. If you want to see an example of a movin' wallpaper first, click the 'example' icon. More information about how to install the wallpapers can be found by clicking the 'Installation' icon. Finally, if you have any comments about this page, you can contact me by clickin' the 'Contact Me' icon. I can also be found at ICQ #8950646. To read other people's reactions or write one yourself, visit the Guestbook.
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