Warning: You may never see things the same.

Replenish your most desired traits and diminish your most undesired traits with SOUL PALs


Chapter One: A Guide to creating your own PALs

The PALs you have met and will meet demonstrate how to apply the PAL concept. Some PALs you may like and others you may not. In the end, what is most important is that you create or adopt PALs that best work for you. The basic formula for forming your pals is described below:

     Problem identified as opportunity for learning & growth
     Application of visual image that evokes a powerful feeling from within and
        has an important personal message

     Liberation:  Personally Activated Liberty

First, a Problem or challenge is identified as a possibility for growth.  
Next a PAL is chosen for whom you already have a special feeling toward.  
This PAL is then Applied to the problem by simply focusing on a 
picture of the PAL or thinking about it.  You then connect words that 
begin with the letters used to spell the PAL word.  These letters will 
embody a phrase or saying that has a special meaning to breakthrough
the problem at hand.  Gradually, the repetition of the visual image, 
its associated word meaning and the feelings you experience when 
bringing your PAL to mind, will Liberateyou from a thought that 
may have limited your ability to lead your life as you desire.

Focusing on GIRAFFE - you might come up with this: Go In Reassured, 
AFFirmative, & Enthusiastic.  Now -- by looking at or thinking of this PAL 
all of the words that are embodied by the spelling of the PAL come to mind.  
By reminding yourself to go in with your head up high like that of a giraffe,
you can help maintain some level of confidence. (Our Giraffe is so tall, we had to put him at the end of the internet to fit his long neck onto the page). 

PAL works by attaching a special meaning to a word. A PAL word must be PALPABLE, something that a person can actually see with their eyes or imagine in their mind. It needs to be something that can be visually bumped into or pictured in your mind during the course of a day.

We can create secret peopals (people pals), who we can call on at any time to support and re-assure us when we are having insecure and destructive thoughts. For instance ABE, who reminds us of the Abe Lincoln, could become a peopal to help prevent us from being tempted to lie. Just by looking at a penny, we could consider, that to Always Be Earnest makes good sense. If we live by this ethic, we would never have to waste mental energy on worrying about being found out for having not told the truth.picture

Like the "palette" of an artist, the pal-its can be used to energize and form our attitudes and actions throughout the day. A palette is a thing from which the artist creates the texture and color of a picture. Similarly, the pal-its are common objects in our life that can be used to create the texture and feeling for our day. Your mind is your Number "1" PALACE (pal plus+ ace). Imagine -- a palace where all pal-its are furnished, so that each time you run across the object in the day you associate it with its special PAL meaning.

When a word such as BED becomes an abbreviation or acronym for a special phrase, like "Be Enlightened Daily," it becomes one of the PALs. What would the impact be on your thinking if from the moment you got out of BED, you associated everyday objects with thoughts like, Be Enlightened Daily? Each time you repeat a positive re-enforcing thought you are regaining perspective, countering negative messages, and returning to your own positive resilience. PAL-ATE (The Food Pals) Members of the PAL-IT group Satisfy your personal palate, Satiate your hunger for individual courage, Quench your thirst for being the way you want to be, You are what you eat, Your are what you repeat. If we attach personal meaning to a food pal, then every time that we eat it, we can be nourishing our body and an attitude that we wish to improve upon and experience. For instance, an APPLE might remind us that each of us is like a seed within an APPLE's core. The seed must persist and release itself from the core to reach its full grown potential - a full grown apple tree. We, too, must persist to reach our full potential.
Apple Active Persistence, Prevails Liberating Expression. Such reminders build power within to change your ways and your attitudes. You are transforming negative headlines in your mind into positive ones. More and more you'll be believing yourself and be believing in yourself. PALs can be your soul's best friend. Each day your life can be much more enjoyable and filled with contentment. As your own Perspective Awareness Levers, PALs help to remind, refresh, and re-awaken our minds to the positive within us and the power to live the life we choose. By playing to expand our perspective, we pop out of negativity and grow into ever exciting and fulfilling levels of well-being. Your pals are everyday things, peopl and animals to Personally Activate Liberty and Play At Life. By playing with a formula to create PALs, you will make your own visual affirmations to see and experience life in a new way. You mobilize forgotten and undernourished powers within yourself by partnering with your new pals. Each time you see a PAL or bring it to mind, it brings greater joy and meaning into your life and dissolves destructive thinking. You provide the prescription, and your PALs do the work.

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