Silver Wolf's

Tribute to

Native Americans

Awanyanka Ina Maka ... Protect Mother Earth

Welcome to our tribute to Native Americans. Please feel free to look around and let us know your opinion.

I, Silver Wolf , am of Blackfoot decent.I am very interested in our heritage and continue to research all avenues to find out more. I do Native American crafts such as, DreamCatchers,Mandellas,Medicine Wheels,Jewelry,etc.

I try my best to keep up with all Blackfoot customs.I hold the deepest respect for everything the earth has given us. I am constantly research my background to find out more. If you can help out in any way it would be greatly appreciated. Also if you are interested in any Native American Crafts I will take orders and make them for you. Just contact us by e-mail and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Hawk... Messenger of the sky, Circle my dreams and teach me the message as we fly.

Wolf... Teacher, Pathfinder, moon dog of my soul. Howling, Singing, Teaching how to know.

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