Disclaimer: This home page was created a few centuries ago. A time when I believed that Santa-Claus and tooth-fairies do exist and that the only solution to all problems in the world was...Metallica. Not that things have changed much now. But I tend to believe that I am much more evolved in my choice of colours, words, likes and dislikes. So I would request U to consider these points before U make any distorted opinion about me after browsing through this site.

Java Stuff

If U R interested in Java and have a Java enabled browser, feel free to try out the following award winning applets that I created in my spare time. Click on the name, in the Title column, to go to the corresponding link.

The Ultimate Jigsaw Puzzle Applet  Top Rated This Java applet is the online version of the classic Jigsaw game. It lets U choose Ur own image, decide on how many pieces U want to break it into, scramble the pieces and helps U put them back together. Multi-threading, Image processing and Animation techniques have been used.
Network Tic-Tac-Toe Application  Top 25% Unlike thousands of the other versions of Tic-Tac-Toe that U may find on the WWW, the Unique Selling Point of this implementation is the fact that, this version has re-incarnated itself as a Network Game. Wot that means is that U can play the game with another friend of U'rs who may be hundreds or even thousands of miles away from U, and yet get the feeling that Ur opponent is just across the table. The Chat facility embedded in this applet makes it even more easier for U to forget the geographical separation between U and Ur opponent.

U R free to use the applet on Ur home-page, provided it is meant for non-commercial use only. Just send me a courtesy note if U do. Cash/Cheques in any currency would always be welcome, though not mandatory. If U want to use any of the above for commercial purposes, my prior permission would be required.


Snap-It (Screen capture utility) Windows Application Not rated This is my first contribution to the Freeware world. It is a simple, lightweight utility that enables WinNT users to capture regions on their screens, windows or the entire desktop and then save these images as Bitmaps.

Comments, suggestions and feedback will be appreciated (or trashed based on the content).

Senti-Mail Collection

Here's a compilation of the various customary farewell mails, that I've grown used to mailing out at the end of every assignment.
Click here to jump to the 'Senti-Mails Collection' page
